Why aren't real money traders banned in game?

Topic. Why aren’t they perma banned from the game or given huge suspensions?


How do you proof real money transactions though?

Taking down RMT’ers would cost a few thousand Euros, you really think Blizz can afford that? They can’t even afford PvP Devs.

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same way they banned gallywix members: investigation.
go undercover for all i care and act like you’re interested in buying services from them. idgaf, just get the people who participate in RMT and the shameless idiots who buy from them out of the game.


They don’t care about pvp in general, imagine if they care about boosters

If a booster wants you to add them to Discord it is pretty much a garuntee that they want real money for the boost.

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cuz blizzard would lose money by banning buyers. They only ban sellers cuz they just make new accounts and continue boosting.

i CRAVE the day I see a tweet from Bolderno, thesia, zeepeye, maro and froffsy etc etc saying they’re perma banned for RMT’ing. So disgusting and blatantly obvious.

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If a Twitch streamer hands out free boosts but only to his subscribers, does that count as RMT?

Depends on the circumstances, but if a streamer blatantly says: “Sub to my channel and I’ll boost you 1800/M+15/hc sylvanas” etc. then yes, that’s against ToS. If he just boosts people for content, it’s fine, but he’s not allowed to advertise in lfg.

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