Why can't I transfer a character?

I wanted to transfer the character from mirage raceway to golemagg, the transaction was successful, but the character is still on mirageg raceway. Thank you for your early reply

It can take up to 24 hours for transfers to complete though it’s usually quicker. Don’t log into the character as that delays it even more.

A little over 45 hours have passed and it still hasn’t transferred.
It says error character transferred.
“this selecting realm is not acepting character transfers at this time”

Doesn’t that error message tell you exactly why it failed?

how do I attach a screenshot?

I mean, that error message you wrote, basically means that the realm you are trying to transfer to, isn’t accepting any new transfers.

I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but, thats pretty self-explanatory.

As to why its not accepting any new transfers, well thats up to Blizzard, but at a guess, I’d say possibly because its full.

It is possible. but then why do they have transfers running? It took money from my account.
Can you advise me how to get my money back?

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You can try here - https://eu.battle.net/support/en/help/product/services/334/1997/solution - which will automatically refund some transactions. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to try a ticket.


Money should return to ur account within 3 or 4 days, when a payment is rejected thatd generally the wait time.

U can contact support to confirm that though