Why closing Zandalar Tribe (RPPVP) goes against Blizzard's vision for WotLK

It would be a shame to see ZT go down in this way. Open transfers to the realm, and let us have a chance to redeem it. :pray:


Hello Blizzard,

Just a reminder that we’re still here waiting for a response. Please consider saving Zandalar Tribe by opening free transfers to Zandalar Tribe and closing free transfers from Zandalar Tribe.


P.S. 2 weeks and 5 days remaining.


That is a shame especially if people come back for Wotlk… no harm in having a small realm…

What are the plans or they not released much about what realms are merging with whom

or whatever they’re doing i’ve been away.


Blizz’s new plans seem to be keeping players totally in the dark as to plans and anythng, and just let it happen


We hoped for people who would come back for Wrath on Celebras, too… there would have been new player, and returning player… :frowning:

Maybe they will just turn of the char transfer away from HWL one day and instead all other transfers on… :thinking:

we need to check regularily

Edit: My Zandalar Tribe Warlock will remain until the end, even if she was almost not played.


Not yet they haven’t

And my Tauren Wunderhorn will keep her company.


Blizzard needs to save the last bastion of RP-PVP in Europe!


I think, if it is somehow possible, i will be online when they turn off Cele… even though it will be in the middle in the night.

We had night watches in our threads to keep them alive, there will be a nightwatch if somehow possible to say goodbye.

Full circle…


I’m considering doing the same thing. :frowning_face:


if we do it, we might chat in one of our threads here… to comfort each other sigh


Then they punish you with a 2 week lock out!!

How bizzare!!!


To be fair, there must be thousands of characters that need to be moved. A script handling that could indeed take “up to” two weeks.

I don’t think they’re intentionally thinking “let’s punish those that don’t take the free transfer”… or maybe they are? :man_shrugging: who knows.

And I’m thinking of taking a break or altogether just not come back. It’s sad seeing RPPVP disappear and having the community split between going to an RP server or to one of the monofaction PVP servers.

All the effort to play the game as intended, no dungeon boosting, no gold buying, no gdkp runs, and legitly paying for bank tabs, etc… it’s annoying having to restart and build a new community.


Celebras signs every single word


Would you be willing to start from fresh on this huge, overcrowded US RP-PVP?
If you are lucky, when you are playing the Us players are all sleeping, and you have the realm for you :wink:

The “two weeks” are the “worst case scenario”. Aggrend stated this in his post regarding low pop realms in the Wow Council board.

They don´t think it will actually take a lot of time.

Do you know where this noigthwatch will be held? I’d like to have Wunderhorn reach a level where he’ll be able to attend.
The pier of Theramore springs to my mind. As this is where we all congregated when the Classic test servers during BlizzCon closed down - good memories.


That’s an interesting question. I really don’t know.

I used to live in the US and used to play on Emerald Dream RPPVP (what great memories) and when I moved to EU I continued to play on the US for a few years. While the latency is indeed manageable, it’s quite annoying when it goes up to 300+ ms in (W)PvP.

While I would indeed have the whole server to myself (and a few others), participating in events and instanced content usually happens in the evening which will be around 2-3am for me. :face_exhaling:

But who knows, maybe there is an early morning community over there :man_shrugging: something to definitely consider in my opinion.

Are your plans to continue on HW?


We can discuss this later in Discord :slight_smile:

Yes, there would not be many :frowning:
Maybe you would have to look specifically for other players who do live in another timezone, too, or people with shifts who play sometimes at night. :thinking:

Good question.

I had already cancelled my sub, and i do not have so much motivation to start from scratch on a new realm. It´s not Cele…

But now i have an Undead guild on Hydraxian Waterlords, could join the “Lilien”, have one character in a former Celebras guild on Lakeshire, and i got in touch with the Celebras Era RP Community.

I will extend my sub, but i will end up everywhere. :sweat_smile:


It wasn’t that small a realm before it was killed off. Many of the current realms show less activity on Ironfroge than Zandalar Tribe did the month before free server transfers were opened.

Zandalar Tribe was a medium-sized RP-pvp server that had a fairly decent faction balance. With Zandalar Tribe gone there’s really no other (english) server that we can go to that has a similar size and environment.

It’s kind of pointless to bring this up but it’s just so very sad. I am hyped for WLK, but this server-business is not a very fun ordeal. No option is good.


I know played here the whole time on/off

It’s crazy the downfall it was near perfect, population and balance.

None of the “free transfers” seem tempting whatsoever.

Stuck in limbo hyped for wotlk too don’t know if i should just start all over again on a fresh realm when they’re out or what


Oh mon, dey be closing da zandalar tribe serva soon!


Celebras was pretty active, too - and was it until the end.
The free transfers killed a lot of realms.

I´d like to know, if they decided BEFORE the free transfers if these realms were to be killed, or AFTERWARDS

But that´s something, we will never know