Why does Darkshore award 400-item level gear?

If said raider was any good he/she would have killed the boss and got mythics on the way by now but instead he/she was insulting others by calling them idiots yet you dont mention that .
I have raiding pedigree anyone on the forums who knows me ingame knows this i dont have to justify to somebody like you who likes to use "insult " and “spit in the face” repeatedly when you have no clue or ablitity going through your brain system.


Well you’re linking me your main and telling me it’s your raid progress, but says 0 progress on that said paladin. If you’re going to flaunt your raiding at other people, go ahead, but I don’t see anything but 0 boss kills and few curve achis that could’ve been gotten on boosts.

Its ok i got a feeling i know what other char he/she posts on and there expecting me to lose it and get banned again which isnt going to happen .

It’s just insulting, imo - not to mention shortsighted.

Guilds forming today COULD be looking forward to 2 raid’s worth of their own personal progression. Instead, they get 1, because the first is immediately worthless when the second arrives. Now we can’t even LFR Uldir for transmogs.

Not only does it cheapen the achievement of people who did tier-513 when it was fresh, but it prevents the world from getting wider with each patch. Not sure who considered this a good idea, but it doesn’t seem like it would be the player base…

Horde main i said horde main as i cant link this chars as its moving /moved not updated hence me linking AVCHIVEMENTS my word you are so …

Don’t mind me, i’m just here to watch the fighting


I think you are right about that. Just ignore that crap. Even if you were wrong about your feeling it is anyway pretty clear nothing you say to her will get understood. :hugs:

Yeah I’ve noticed your armory isn’t available, so I tried wowprogress and says you’re in full warfront/world quest gear, titanforged and warforged mostly, no raid kills in dazar’alor and in Uldir says you killed Ghuun first, which means you joined a group that killed Ghuun on heroic, so likely a boost.


Oh share that :popcorn: !


Let’s go. :wink:

Akward silence. Uhm… anyone watched the Oscars?

Yeah, says you killed them in random pugs most likely on your realm, not guild runs, so you got kinda boosted there too. Difference between us is I dont buy final boss boosts and come flaunt my achis on forums pretending to be a hardcore player, I kill what I can and I’m happy with it, I dont get offended as easily as you do : )

I am going to leave this here because i have nothing more to say to a person who keeps using “boosted” as a so called valid comment when you have done nothing ingame of any note yourself .
I mean seriously girl wearing googles as mog is so Cata …

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Your first boss kill in Uldir is heroic Ghuun, clearly a boost dear. And since you wanna fight mogs, ditch the insect eyes, and moon on your head is so 2006.

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Just got back from a 4 day holiday so i think its best i leave the thread and that person alone i just wish they bring back ignore.

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2008 actually when wotlk and ulduar came out if your going to try an insult get the dates right geez girl .

I’m like the poster boy for welfare gear, and i deserved every one of them :sunglasses:


Hey yeah i know you were are in the same calendar! I am the December druid!

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There’s no shame in welfare gear, just certain druids who play welfare gear and buy boosts then pretend to be hardcore and insult other people.

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I like to unwrap u for xmas :stuck_out_tongue: sorry could not resist lol