Why doesn't Blizzard listen?


So with most hope lost again because of no major SP rework in shadowlands alpha I must only ask this now out of despair

Why doesn’t Blizzard listen to the priest community?

What’s the problem?

Do they really want to keep a class ruined purposedly?

And should I just change class until the mirage of a change?


Maybe stubbornness? they really want the flawed design of VF to work by hook or by crook.


My guess is they wish priest would heal more, but it will only end up draining the class of people rather than make people think “oh, I’ll just heal then! :D”.

I will quit the game if there is no major change in shadowlands. We have so many issues, we don’t have fast damage, but there is mechanics in PvE that need it. We have huge nerf to single target.

We lack mobility a lot, we lack burst. In PvP we are meles dummy. They bring back damage from SW:D. In current state we can’t kill target bellow 20% when can use it, but he has 10-19% health pool, even if we have two charges. This is stupid.


I’ve considered dropping disc priest because of shadow. Healing as disc is great, but I need to spec shadow for any kind of solo content. (Well, I don’t NEED to, I’ve seen Taliesin do solo content as disc, but I’m definitely not doing that)

The bummer is that while I’ve levelled all the other healer classes, disc still remains my favourite healer.

Yesterday’s interview we were told that they have nothing to announce regarding shadow at the moment, but that they have heard the issues with shadow. To me that means nothing until it’s backed up by changes.

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How do you expect them to listen if they are not reading this forum?


Preach asked SP specific question in a recent SL interview. Start at 55:40.

The end of BfA would be the perfect time to drop void form - both thematically and game play wise.


“There might be raid items that will make the spec feel better” That doesn’t sound promising, cuz it’ll suck a lot if we suck till we’re lucky enough to get it. And the the fact that we’re gonna have to swap it out at some point, which will return us to crappy

It is quite shocking that we pay a monthly subscription and are forced to play in such a mediocre class balance environment,a spec that is completely horrible, we waited so long for buffs between patches and they were not enough while other classes like Rogues and Mages were getting nerfed left and right yet still remained OP or valid dps till the end of the expansion, it just shows how incompetent they are …Blizzard should be thanking God that they have fans/playerbase willing to wait and pay and give them another chance in the next expansion MAYBE they’ll fix our spec.


Shadow’s dps is fine, this isn’t a issue of tuning or numbers.

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Looks like I need to play my fire mage. Shadow is doing okay in RAIDs.

DPS does not matter if your class feels BAD.
Insanity mechanic is a nightmare to play and to balance. Just go back to what was working really well! Be adult Blizz, a mistake won’t leave a stain on your pride. Just admit it and listen, learn, improve. Step back might be a good thing.


I totally agree voidform feels dreadful i would prefer if they brought back orbs and updated them.



their silence is deafening.

sadly prepping another char to take the mantle, this class has been broken for 4 years with no hope of them fixing it.


Blizzard do listen people, its that they have to cover a lot of players and what the collective wants. It’s not about one class and spec.

if you are talking about classes in general then I understand they are flooded but then that’s why they said they started alpha early to be able to read all class feedback and address it. Yet Shadow priest one of the most troubled specs in the game not only have not been addressed but had not been changed from BFA.

you do understand that %98 of issues brought in Shadowland alpha come all the way from BFA alpha. So they had 2 years to develop the expansion and did not ouch shadow or bother to read the player feedback from BFA.

if you are specifically talking about priests and/or Shadow priest then it’s very clear, majority of the collective (%95) absolutely hates Voidform just check the NA forums too, both regions hate Voidform and would rather have orbs back.



It comes down to if you like playing the current SP. SP has had the same basic issues forever.

It really hasn’t though, and a lot of things BFA shadow has that “tried” to fix problems would have actually fixed things in earlier iterations.

WoD shadow with dark void would have been damn close to perfect. Just the lack of movement gcds when playing AS would have still been an issue.

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Lack of good DPS cooldowns means that Shadow has low burst potential.

DoT management requires a lot of focus and can take away a lot of globals when facing a couple of targets.

Voidform/shadowform is prone to mistakes and can punish the player quite harshly when you mess up.