Why is Alliance in the left and Horde in the right at the character creation?

So, it occurred to me while I was in Battle.net the the Orc and Human facing each other on the BFA poster are positioned as the two continents in which the two factions reside. Horde on the left and Alliance on the right. And it makes sense, but why is it that on the character creation screen when you have to choose a race from a faction, the Alliance is on the left and Horde on the right? It may seem silly to most of you, I was just curious if someone else has noticed it.

no idea realy, perhaps when they started to create the races, they made humans first and that for alliance is on left side.

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I think it’s more balanced than if it would be vertical, where one faction would be at the top and the other at the bottom. Look, everything needs place. You can’t just put both factions on the same place without that somebody would be confused.

Because it’s Alliance and Horde. Alliance is said first because of it’s alphabetical start.
The is the most likely of reasons.


It’s horde bias of course.
The right is considered to be better than the left.
In fact left handed people were, for most of history, considered to be evil by nature and discriminated against.
Even in language the right side (latin dextra) developed into the word dexterity, while the left (sinistra) developed into sinister meaning evil / suspicious in many languages influenced by latin.

ps. not sure if anyone could taky my post serously, but just to be secure: this was sarcasm. :wink:


The side that represent the forces of “good”, with us humans, is mentioned first and since we read / look from left to right the Alliance is on the left.

Because Alliance is meant to represent Left wing in politics while Horde right wing. :crazy_face:

Clearly, it’s the devs way to say that going Horde is the right way.

The Alliance just happens to be what’s left.


That’s why the path of glory happened.

So you think it’s the Draenei’s own fault after all. I knew it!


Official anthem of the Union of Alliance Socialists States or short UASS. Glory to General Secretary Umbric.


We need Superman, now more than ever.

I did not know they had made an animated version of the Graphic novel (Though I can see it has been heavily Americanised, Superman did not kill Stalin in the graphic novel).

It was actually a very interesting read, the original, and I think where they got it from was the basic premise that one of Superman’s epithets was “the Man of Steel” which in Russian translates as “Stalin”, as everyone knows, the Soviets were big on giving themselves ‘false’ names, ‘Lenin’ was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, ‘Trotsky’ was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and ‘Stalin’ was Josef Vissarionovich Dzugashvili. So the Man of Steel working with a person who called himself ‘The Man of Steel’ was a really interesting story motif, especially when you had a Soviet version of Batman, The Green Lantern reinvented as the patron of the US Marines, and Lex Luthor as the President of the United States of America, Kind of turned it all on its head, Superman was -not- a morally idealistic person in the novel, he was a -Soviet- idealistic person.

I mean, in the Graphic novel, the Soviets -won- the Cold War, because they had Superman on side, how could they not?

It all went a bit weird towards the end, but yeah, Superman made sure the Soviet ideals were enforced on the rest of the world, and that Lex Luthor’s ideals of Capitalism were kind of smashed down.

He never -liked- Stalin, but he did feel like he -owed- him.

It was a really interesting graphic novel as to how different popular culture would see Superman if that pod had landed in the Ukraine, and not Kansas.

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