Why WW will never be viable with current talent tree set ups

It’s the old melee Hybrid problem. It’s particularly bad for monks though.

Look at our left tree, compare that to the shaman left tree. Can you see why Ele shamans do well?

Their left tree has almost double the number of nodes and interconnections. Meaning that despite shamans having 3 sub specs, one being a healer, then can mix and match abilities which better compliment the right tree of each spec.

Monks are being penalised for having a healer subspec by it reducing any meaningful choices in their main tree.

Even enhance shamans complain, because their main stat is agility, the same as us. Eles are fine because they work off intelligence, meaning healing abilities complement them.

The entire left tree needs tearing down and a rework bearing in mind the classes use two completely different stats. Until they fix that WW monks will never compete with melee who’s subspecs all pull from the same stat.

BLIZZARD: listen to the community/players

I agree.
When I look at the monk tree, it’s full of healing enhancing talents, either for healing received, eitther being related to expel harm or other heals.
Someone would think that ww heals would actually heal for something, but thats just isnt happening. Self healing as ww is plain garbage, and the saddest thing about it is that you invested 10+ points in it.
It really needs hard rework.

So after looking at the american forums i found a post showing what had been taken away from WW’s over the years:

Transcendence/Port basically got its CD doubled from 25 sec to 45.
Paralysis’ CD also basically got doubled because it used to be 20 or 25.
Expel Harm got nerfed uber hard. It’s CD was increased by 50%, and its damage was more or less reduced by 90% while also having its healing split across like 3-4 different talents.
Nimble Brew (Basically Trinket) got removed.
Healing Elixirs got removed from WW only. It’s on the talent tree for BrM and MW.
Sparring got removed. It was passive 15% parry.
Tiger Palm Armor Penetration got removed.
SotWL got nerfed when they gave it back to us this xpac. Then it got nerfed in PvP.
Thunderfist was nerfed.
There were the nerfs during DF pre-patch.
Diffuse Magic got nerfed. It used to be a 90% magic DR. It’s 60 now.
Karma got nerfed to hell. It used to be 100% of our health pool as a shield and didn’t do reduced damage.
FoF Stun got sent to the shadowrealm.
Double FSK was in the game for a brief time before it got deleted.
Roll/Chi Torpedo clearing snares got deleted.
Spinning Fire Blossom (Ranged Skill shot root) got deleted.
Ring of Peace got neutered. It used to be an AoE Disarm and Silence for like 4ish seconds on a 45 sec CD before it became area denial.
Leg Sweep CD got increased by 15 sec.
Fort Brew used to not be a 6min CD.
Zen Meditation is now BrM only.
Grapple Weapon used to be baseline.
Rushing Tiger Palm got deleted from the game, but came back worse as Skyreach.
Then Blizz forced Xuen on us, who happens to break Paralysis and similar CCs.
Also RIP that WW movement speed buff.
Then there’s whatever the hell Blizz did to ToD to mess up its health detection.
Serenity CD snapshotting also got deleted.
Good Karma got stolen by Evokers.
Tiger Palm used to be 20% cheaper.
Energizing Elixir got deleted.

Looking at all these the class makes sense. They deleted everything which made the monk unique and which allowed it to go toe to toe with other brawlers. They removed/gutted basically every single defensive/heal which made up for the monks low armour/low hps.

I had no idea monks now were such a joke compared to what they used to be. The weird half talents, long cooldowns and talents which make no sense completely make sense when you see what interations they should be having with the deleted stuff.

No wonder the class is a mess with no identity.


we still have it, but for most part I agree. the nerfbat went WAY too far.
dont forget :

  • aoe’s target cap at 5 while most are 8 , damage reduced by a LOT to other target( think 60% or so, maybe more)
  • the true FoF damage is only on “turbo tiger” …a pvp talent? …

utility is not the question, we still have some : ring, better aoe stun than dh…for now…, 2 interrupts, some sort of aoe burst. We are going down, every week, more and more.

Pretty sure it used to be 15s cd.

Reading through these nerfs & comparing how WW used to play, reassures me that switching specs was a good choice.

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