Wintergrasp bg

something really needs to be done to make attacking on this bg more viable… that is all.


So much this, offence on WG is so underpeforming and defence is waaay to easy with the non cappable work shops, can just sit in cortyard after first tower fall and burst kill any tank as soon they enter from offense and as soon they reach the wall, they are dead.


Aye this bg has potential to be a real thriller.
Instead people leave on start when they see they are attack…


I hope this small indie company will do something like reduce the health of walls within a year or two.

They just dont care about bgs. At all.


The problem is getting 20 players to all do the same thing, which is impossible, unless you are horde it seems.

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I just take the 15 min deserter debuff now if I get attacking. really no point.


For good reason though, it’s a loss in 9/10 games because the defence is way too easy to maintain.

I have yet to see someone win as attacker side

Big heads in fat arses

Games last 40 minutes so there is plenty of time to attack. There is no way defenders should lose a base so quickly unless no one is bothering to even try.

I agree. Unless the defender does the exact correct sequence of even successfully they’ll 100% lose unless the defender totally drops the ball.

I agree this is by far the worst epic Bg in the pool either fix and balance it or bring back the ability to blacklist two bgs


When did you have the ability to blacklist battlegrounds?

2 or maybe even 3 expacs ago. Sadly they removed the option.

I dont que for EBG for one reason and one reason only. Wintergrasp.


It must be removed from ebg queue until its reworked. The current state is an insult to the casual/pvp community.


Wintergrasp is the only bg i queue for after winning the EBG of the day.

They introduced it with WoD or Legion not sure anymore ad removed it at the end of Legion start of Bfa if memory serves correctly. It was a really enjoyable quality of life feature that also meant some BGs like AV rarely saw play.

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I rather not play the same two maps over and over again. Nothing wrong with how it is now,

I think there is plenty wrong with it right now if players decide to leave Wintergrasp or Ashran and rather take Deserter Debuff than play. I think as a dev team you should ask yourself why people skip out on some BGs or why some never saw play when there was the ability to blacklist.
But i think it goes way beyond the topic of this post to go deeper into this now. Saying Wintergrasp is fine as it is is simply not true there is no equal chance for both sides to win the game and that should be the least a Bg has to offer.