Wishlist for next Expansion?

What’s your whislist for Dragonflight?
Personally I’d like:

  1. Old blessings back.
  2. Auras to be more meaningful and spec specific, so each paladin spec can bring something unique to the group.
  3. Customizable Steed

Not being considered a memespec, I guess.


A visual upgrade to ancient kings would be nice for prot pala as well as visual upgrades to divine steed.

I also would love them to keep something similar to divine toll for prot because it’s a very satisfying button to press and I feel like prot mythic + kit will feel very lacking without it- especially in getting threat quickly on big packs.

Consecration feels like a very dated, underwhelming and static spell which I think needs to be reworked to keep up with modern day wow playstyle.

wog off gcd for prot

Warmode gone, pvp servers are pvp.
Retribution not to be a meme.
Healers to heal instead of dps and throw some heals.
More fun mechanics instead of +30% hp/ +20% dmg done mythic affixes.


Another one that didnt learn what old buffs back actually is.

Auras of today are just as usefull as the auras of old are and it will be the same with blessings. Its buff and forget, adds nothing to gameplay and is nothing more then class flavor/ fantasy.

You even want the aruas to be more meaningfull, were they better in the past? cuz im clearly missing whats diffrent here. I for one really dont want blessings back as they were but i do find it ironic as the one original intended “utility” class it really lacks decent utility tools and they havent added anything unique to the class since the start of this game.

Customizable steed would be cool.

I always wanted the Medieval knight feel for my pally ^^ would love more expansion oN order halls/ class identity with unique banners, shield designs and colour tabards and such.
Would be cool if silver hand was for humans and dwarfs, sunwalker for Tauren, blood knights for Blood elves etc. still feels weird seeing my horsey open for all yet all other races have their own unique pally mount :confused: This will never happen but a wishlist for sure :slight_smile:

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I want our beefy excorcism back.


When was Exorcism “beefy”? For several expansions before they removed it it was the very last spell to use in our priority list. There was a miniscule window when it was decent at the very end of wrath when they finaly made it usuable on all targets and not just undead and demons and procced from art of war. The expansion after was Cata when holy power came into play and it never once gave holy power i think and it slowly faded away into obscurity.

They didnt want palas to be a semi ranged class from what i get. Judgment, hammer and Exo had a range of 20+ and DS was fairly big aswell. They let it die and at the time most didnt mind it either… it was basically dead at that point, ppl did argue about its replacement tho as it didnt actually fit the class and i somewhat agree… But just getting exo back does not solve anything for the class.

So I bought a subscription just to reply to this thread:

Please give us the BFA Divine Judgment Retribution Talent somewhere in the talents.

I will play Dragonflight 100% if this talent is there. Also the Indomitable Justice Azerite trait for synergy. It makes for a very interesting Ret gameplay. I will love you for this!

Thank you

The sound and the spell effect. I liked that. Not everything has to be numbers…

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Well then you’re in luck, Turn evil has the sound and spell effect and is in game now!!!

I doubted that just that would satisfy you until your response :slight_smile:

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Paladin-specific things:

  • Increase Divine Steed duration to 6.5 seconds so we’re not losing the impact of the conduit.
  • Give Divine Steed two charges by default.
  • Change Crusader Aura to be a permanent aura around the Paladin, rather than a buff that’s exclusive with the other available Auras.
  • Rework Retribution aura into something actually useful and that doesn’t require a party/raid member to die.
  • Make Final Verdict a new talent. Ideally make the range extension baseline, and have the damage increase + HoW usage as the talent.
  • Make Tempest of the Lightbringer (Divine Storm legendary power) a new talent.
  • Make Divine Toll - with the extra procs from the conduit and Kyrian legendary power effect included as part of the base ability - a new talent.

Core design things:

  • The way multiple charges on abilities works feels really unsatisfying. An extra charge on an ability that you’re using on cooldown just translates to a single extra usage of that ability. There would be tuning needed in some cases, and there are issues with providing information on the UI and through the API to solve, but it would be a lot more satisfying if “X has two charges” actually meant X could be used twice as much.
  • Change all “reset the cooldown on ability X” mechanics (talents, tier set bonuses, whatever) to “grant a free use of ability X within Y seconds” instead.
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  • final verdict animation to stay. Feels so satisfying.

  • aura animations to be permanent like wc3.

  • more auras, I liked the aoe heal aura I think it just needed developed. The more auras the better even if they aren’t all as useful in all situations. Old Ret aura but make mastery affect it. Make all auras available to all specs.

  • talents to include the divine storm that moves forward and the wake of ashes dot. Keep divine toll.

  • remove things like seraphim and just have wings as a cd but less impactful.

  • more judgements like wrath. Would be cool if judgement of light came back with the hot aura. Judgement of wisdom and justice etc. I’d even settle for replacing our slow for joj. The old judgement for a speed burst would be awesome too. Kinda miss the aoe judgement too.

  • seals, miss having seals. Bound to be a good way to bring them back along with our buffs.

  • holy pala havinga hot component to consecration.

  • beacon of insight

  • eye of tyr

  • holy radiance

  • would absolute love if we finally got leap of faith. That or that spear teleport that was data mined years ago.

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Divine Shield back off the GCD. Tier set to be made basline. Not having to choose between all our defensive and utility stuff on the new talent trees…

Technically you can just get the Class Mount appearances for Divine Steed from the Order Hall. It’s what I use!

I am with this, the increased duration on Divine Steed is such a nice quality of life feature considering how long the cooldown is, it makes Paladins so sluggish without it.

This. 100% this, Final Verdict feels like you’re a PALADIN. Base ability looks like a Warrior Ability with 0.5 Seconds of a spell effect. Kinda lame for our main spender.

What I really want? That sexy consecration spell effect they added in BfA but never bothered to actually give us. I feel extremely robbed having seen that and still running around with old crusty cracks in the ground.


I’d like for the ret spec to no longer be laughed at before being declined at in groups.

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I’d like for them too either remake Retri completely or just (sorry rets) to delete it if they can’t/won’t…

I used to be a retri main but got laughed at and trolled so many times I just rerolled too warrior…

There is many many things wrong with the way retri feels this xpack and I’d love a rework on the entire feeling of it…

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  • Shorter cooldown on mobility. 45 seconds is too long.
  • Better ret utility for Mythic+ dungeons. Something big like combat res.
  • Less bursty ret build options.
  • Crusader aura and retribution aura turned back into the passives they once were.
  1. More mobility
  2. More mobility
  3. More mobility
  4. Some raid, M+ utility to get invite to groups :slight_smile: