WL Bugs in Arena atm (16 unsolved bugs since forever)

This Bugs are in the game at least since release of BFA… already made a post not one single bug got adresst… and we are only speeking of Destro Bugs…

WL Bugs

  1. Succubus Seduce randomly bugging and not even casting when u press the keybind.
  2. Incinerate casts on totem or psyfiend are just “immun”
  3. casting infernal on Z-Axis = “NO path awailable”
  4. Conflag shows 1 stack ready but not usable because the spell is not rdy yet??
  5. Imp dispell bugged with @target macro since 8.0.1 no fix in sight…
  6. Pets randomly running back in arena while send in combat via keybind
  7. Infernal DMG not getting out chars in stealth when hit
  8. U want to gate when enemys are near it? na man g8 is unclickable cause u always target random enemys instead of clicking g8
  9. Spell lock randomly does nothing but its on cd
  10. Spider Sting silence hitting through Unending Resolve despite being immune to SILENCE and interrupt effects
  11. If u get MCed while coil is midair the coil just “disappears” and does not get off
  12. sometimes ,only in ashaman’s fall arena , succubus disappearing for no reason when i enter in the arena after the beginning
  13. You click on Soulwell but in your Bar you see 0 stacks of Healthstones.
  14. you use havoc, enemy shaman use grounding totem, you use coil, coil on target is grounded, coil on havoc target is not grounded
  15. if you get poly or any other cc at 80-90% chaosbolt cast time, the cb comes out 1-2 sec after you got the cc
  16. Chaos Bolt

It rly feels like im playing on a private server wich got programmed by 13 year olds… unbelivable…


Add: You click on Soulwell but in your Bar you see 0 stacks of Healthstones.

You cant see but u can use :slight_smile:

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true thanks

Same with my felguard , sometimes in ashamane when i enter he just disappear (Or ragequit ? )

And yeah as demonology sometimes pets just does nothing , especially tyrant when people los , he is waiting instead of tunneling …

tyrant just cba chasing

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  1. Spell lock randomly does nothing but its on cd
    sometimes i kick being rooted and i get a cd, but it doest work. idk what is this…so dumb

11.if u get MCed while coil is midair the coil just “disappears” and does not get off - its the mechanic of mc, no ? not only coil, stormbolt trap maledict etc will dissapear…

Cos you cant stormbolt/coil a friendly target… working as intended

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But the spell went off, before it was a friendly target. If you compare, if you throw a rock to an enemy in real life, while the rock is mid air and you decide to cahnge sides, the rock will not just randomly disappear, it will hit the target still.

So not working as intendet.

if you greater pyro someone before mc and greater is mid air, it still goes through tho??

I knew he’d be useless as a caster

this. good explalnation lool

  1. you use havoc, enemy shaman use grounding totem, you use coil, coil on target is grounded, coil on havoc target is not grounded
  2. if you get poly or any other cc at 80-90% chaosbolt cast time, the cb comes out 1-2 sec after you got the cc
  3. affliction warlock dot damage is 1/2 of shadow priest dot damage
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  • When the arena gates open your 3 soul shards vanish, preventing you from setting a RoF to maybe get a stealthed target out. (Yes they refill quickly, but not quick enough. By the time you have three again, the Rogue has sapped you)

  • Tip: Imp dispel for OTHERs needs to be done via a macro using the Singe Magic ability, NOT command demon, as that somehow only allows for the self dispel.
    As was with the change to our demonic circle, this too is just dumb that they split the ability into two…

Doesn’t suffice that command demon since its existance is more buggy than anything I’ve ever seen. If your pet cant immediately use the ability, it will just freeze in place. So if you spam the button because you really need the CS RIGHT NOW, the pet will just freeze in place, refusing to do anything else if you catch it and want to correct it, and by that time it’s way too late.

Warlock is the most bugged class in arena…

Also to the guy above me, to your point nr15 I can tell you why that is: Chaos Bolt is coded differently than any other spell, and that is since it’s WoD version came out, but it’s been getting worse in BfA. The spell has some kind of delay in it’s execution, and is thus VERY UNRESPONSIVE unlike all the other spells. Prime example: Fake casting by stutter stepping. If I fake cast any other spell, it really does cancel the same instant I stutter step. If I do the same with CB… good luck. Anything that has to do with it’s “being cast” state and the “resolution” state of your action is delayed. The same fake cast stutter step actually still ends up with the kick going through, locking you out.

Anyone who’s played destro for a long time knows EXACTLY what I mean. The same is true for when the cast finishes. It’s the only cast in the game I can think of that can still be cancelled after the quartz castbar turns green confirming the “finish” of the cast… It’s beyond annoying and stupid. It’s seldom true the other way around, though. You can finish the cast, eat a CC and then it still resolves and the bolt goes off. This however is really the exception…

Just give us our utility back, remove that nonsense that our ONLY damage source is that stupid Chaos Bolt, and call it a day. I truly believe there is no spec that is more frustrating to play AND PLAY AGAINST than destruction warlock in BfA.


Are we on a private server? :joy::joy::joy: Sub and help us to fix the bugs of our game, ty.

Oh thought im to high for that but it seems to be true… finally somebody experiencing the same

@ Archimitros
Do you have a working imp dispell macro, which works without any exceptions? Let’s say a macro for party1

I have one which works out of arena, but in arena it bugs out in 50% of the cases somehow…

u just have to manually target party 1 and have a macro that simply says /cast singed magic

So ‘/cast [@party1] singed magic’ doesn’t work?
What about this:

/target party1
/cast singed magic


i think that should work cause u explicitly getting part1 as ur target… but not 100% sure i have to try it

Mhhhh, i taste some Warlock tears :):yum:
Rogue Vanish is bugged since Vanilla, so what.
And thats a core ability of a Rogue :wink: