WoD wasn't so bad after all

Metaphors mate metaphors.

One of my favourite zones in wow is Shadowmoon Valley from WoD. That being said, I started play wow mid-Legion so I never experienced WoD as the current expat and maybe that why I like it so much.

Translate them to reality. Humor me.

the only thing WoD did better than BFA is not having artifact grind and azerite armor.

remember,as much as you want,Jito is and never will be your friend.
To him this we are joke and BFA expansion is the best expansion ever,we are in the wrong,and my 40people who quit in bfa.

well per class and spec we didnt loose that many, heck some even gained some more, offcourse if you combine all classes and all specs, lots of stuff got removed, but per char and class it was not as much as you make it out to be. and it aint even close to be 60% slower now, I am playing probably one of the classes that never been like mega fast in anything, and I feel I am way faster than I used to be in many aspects, yes I end up whit downtime at times, but for me it aint that bad as people say it is.

I meant travel form, it quite literally is exactly 60% slower to an exact mathematical calculation in combat. And per spec including my DK I’ve lost more, 6 runes of all the same type? Why not just chuck he entire system out the window if your making them all the same. The entire class was about choppin runes, at its core fundamental play level they have destroyed it.
After playing druid/DK/rogue I’ve left in disgust, yet I’ve heard other people complain about Thier class too so can’t say.

Are we even playing the same game? My class is literally a different class since Legion. I basically lost all my healing spells. All of them, except power word: shield, which fulfills a completely different function in this current design than it used to (used to be the main class flavor, now it’s only used to apply a the atonement buff and is irrelevant on its own merits). It’s not a spell or two, I don’t have ANY healing spell that discipline priest used to have. My survival hunter, my favorite alt before Legion, is now a generic melee (?? wtf…) I don’t want to touch. My rogue, my other old time alt I used to like, pretty much has to choose between not having poisons and not having something as simple as garrote, not to mention how half my finishers are gone, as are half my cooldowns.

Compared to WoD? Again, we playing the same game? It’s more alt friendly than Legion was, that much I can agree on, but Legion was horrible as far as alts go because of the stupid artifact power grind.

That was the beauty of the expansion: I didn’t have to raid. I could do what I actually enjoy doing in the game, which is PvP, and get PvP gear for it and not have to do some stupid dungeons every week or think of raiding or else fall behind in gear. For me, sitting in my garrison and queueing for arena worked just fine.

I’d take WoD any day over this pile of crap that Legion and Legion 2.0 aka BfA are. It was by no means the pinnacle of game design, but at least I had some fun in WoD.


Please dont forget about BRF and HFC. Those were great raiding tiers with tons of exciting encounters. CM dungeons with great xmogs… good days. nowadays we do +15 dungeon to get some high ilvl item which will be replaced in 2 months. What happened to cosmetic rewards? I loved pandaria and wod CM rewards. Legion and bfa can suck my nipple.

I don’t know. I personally got quite fed up with all the Orcs in Orc buildings doing Orc things.

“What’s the next encounter?”
“An Orc.”
"Okay. What’s the one after that?
“An Orc.”
“M’kay. What about the-”
“Also Orc.”
“Umm, but surely there’s-”

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Warlords of Draenor should be a small “orc” hint lul.

I will always remember mythic encounters like Blackhand, Zakuun, Xhul’horac, Tyrant Velhari and my favourite - Archimonde. To be fair the only fight I didnt like in HFC was 1st boss which was boring. Other than that great encounters.

You might not agree with me but back in WoD I was still somewhat tryhard mythic raider and I loved those tiers.

No way. WoD was the worst expansion among all of WoW’s. Just the fact that they had 1 (actual) content patch and, even so, at max level people would still find a content drought at the beginning of the very same expansion is enough to put WoD in that place. It was a mock expansions.

People putting WoD over BfA are the same kind that put Cataclysm over MoP at the time. And, after that expansions, it turns out MoP wasn’t that horrible.

Either that or people who unironically liked that content drought and having nothing to do other than log in, pick up the stuff at the Garrison, do raid, log out. Something that you can still do, provided you’re not aiming for very top content, something that is top content literally because it requires people to invest their times into ir.

Wod was so much better than BFA. I didn’t play legion so can’t comment, some of my current gripes might be legion changes. But here goes why I think, thisis the worst expansion ever even compared to wod. Also I don’t think cata was better than mop for the record. I will say cata had a promising opening that got buried due to people crying over hard instances.

  1. More class abilities

  2. No stupid azerite neck grind

  3. No stupid azerite gear

4 honour gear

  1. PvP vendors

  2. No rng loot, it’s not diablo.

  3. No tier rift dunegons again it’s not diablo blizzard for how I hate your so artificially extended stay crunching content.

  4. Level scaling is completely horrible in bfa

  5. Gear scaling is horrible in bfa

  6. GCD is horrible

  7. The prune omg the prune is like having finger nails pulled out. Dks now have all the same rune type? Druids? Speeds blinks mobility? Wth is this?! Why?! He DK thing why bother letting them keep runes at all? Just chuck all of them out the window if there now all the same wth is this?!

  8. The 37th pair of the same PvP boots

  9. The time gated rep grind

  10. Probably more, even when I think there is something I can’t hate more about it I find something! Pooh! Another TURTLE HAS REACHED THE BEACH! Give me a quest where I can tip NAPALM ON THE LOT OF EM!!

Breaths #triggered!! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl:

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It was an Orc expansion xD

Lets not get ahead of ourselves it was diabolical.

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Yeah, and those reason are swept by the sole reason that WoD had little to no content. At all.

Dungeons became irrelevant in a matter of weeks and the only relevant thing had literally zero progress at all. PvP? You got Ashran. That alone speak by itself. Only thing that was half worth connecting for was raids and that’s it. The rest? Utter. Garbage. At least I do have something to do in BFA rather than taking delight in the glorious amusement of sitting in my Garrison looking at how my followers and ships do way more things than I.

I’d rather pay to have something to do rather than having literally nothing. I don’t need to pay in order to do nothing. And I don’t need to mention the whole fugliness in the design, the Garrison and the awful story to further stress how awful was that expansion. Oh, and 6.1. Everybody LOVED that patch. A selfie camera was definitely the most groundbreaking and novel change to ever be introduced in all of WoW history.

Plus, it amuses me that you mention RNG, time gating and grinding (and this one part is even funnier, because there isn’t a single expansion where there wasn’t any grinding) when WOD literally had all of them (funnily enough, they even failed to fill in the gaps). Warforged, the Tanaan rep, apexis, sabertusk fangs,… Did you, per chance, forget all that? Because I didn’t.

So people saying WoD wasn’t so bad need to really revisit the whole expansion. Because that expansion was, as I said, an attempt at an expansion. And this need to be reminded more often than not, so we don’t fall back to that crap.

And if you really liked the absence of content? Why play an MMORPG to begin with? This genre is literally supposed to take a lot of your time. If you don’t want to spend more than 2 hours, there are plenty other games that fill that niche.

I thought wod was the best pvp expansion.

You didn’t have to do any other content, but pvp content to get your BiS gear from a vendor.

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PvP was loads better what you on about? :rofl::joy:. Yeah it was a bit content starved. But I’d rather have 5 minutes of wod than 500 hours of BFA, that I simply don’t want to play and now don’t play at all.


PvP gear wasn’t really ranged at all, you had conquest or honour gear. Your garrison gear could be upgraded and it had some limited range on the sub par gearing loot that didn’t really matter for anything other than stepping stone stuff.

I spent absolutely hours trying to run the time challenge 346 cap dungeons, trying to push rating. I reckon I spent more hours on wod than any xpac. As for time gating you always had the option to grind things for extra rep, i.e. kitties etc… I’m tanaan, in BFA no wq no rep.

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“A bit”. 6.1 was, plainly, a god damn selfie camera. It wasn’t a bit content starving. It was a barren desert with some content in it. Not to mention they only added 1 additional raid and a recycled zone and they unrepentantly called it an xpac.

Did we get just a selfie camera with 8.1? Nope. Can you compare an expansion /though ongoing) with a half of an expansion? Nope. With 8.0 you literally could find more content in BfA than with all of WoD altogether, which summarizes pretty well why BfA is nowhere as bad as WoD.

And literally anyone could spend hours trying to push a rating in order to not feel you’ve wasted your time on literally nothing. At least, M+ do have something more than that (gear) and, in stark contrast with challenge, you can clearly tell who spent his fair share of time with M+ in contrast with challenge (no ilvl progression at all).

And the Order of the Awakened was a huge time gate. It was literally the only thing that took around a month (and people got more than a year to grind it) to to got. The rest was just grind, forget and, then, cry at forums that Blizzard about how there was no content (which was true).

And I can accept some people like expansions most don’t. But WoD is, objectively, unsalvageable. To the point even Blizzard couldn’t defend it at the moment, when they declared WoD was just a “mock for the real expansion, Legion”. And it really takes a lot of effort (or, rather lack of it) to reach that amount of bad.

PS: on the PvP thing, I’ve never intended to imply BfA was any good on that matter. But to pretend WoD was any better is laughable at best, when you take Ashran into account. Also, wPvP wasn’t a thing back at WoD. Mostly because most of the people didn’t even go outside Garrisons.