WoD wasn't so bad after all

Its a bit like a meal with less in it, or the alternative is what came out of my rear end onto a plate, sure there’s lots of it, but is it really a good thing that there is more? Probably not.

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Legion will always be the love that got away for me!

Say what you want but wod had the best quest layout and overall leveling experience and pace out of all expansions along with the best music ever. I loved wod and it was only ”not as fun” cause the devs stopped caring.

I go back there all the time for the feels and just listen to the soundtrack. No other expansion had me so spellbound as when I entered the fields of frostfire ridge and got hit with that magical music! Had it got just half the attention they gave to legion it would have wiped the floor with everything else.

Feel bad for the art team spending so much time to work it til perfection only to have the bosses tell them to drop it.


WoD had a content starvation in pve that is correct and it seems that is what most people hated and why they quit. But that could have been fixed pretty simple.

What we have now can’t be fixed so easy… You get new content but (at least I am) you are bored so quickly of it that the new content is obsolete.
Seriously we got
-a new warfront (which 99% hate and only do for gear)
-a raid that you need to do once for seeing the story, because the gear you certainly don’t need except mythic
-incursions that don’t give xp and are not fun and now even don’t get gear

yea i think that is all the content we got in a nut shell. New seasons where they just slap 30% more mob hp on everything doesn’t count as content for me.
seriously I was ilvl 403 after 1 and a half week and I didn’t do anything.
There is no reason for me to login at the moment. Pve is boring as m+ is always the same and I hate raiding. Pvp is absolutely in the gutter that I hate BGs now (and I was an absolute fan if you look at my played bgs before)

so for me this is by far the worst expansion. If I have the weekend free to play, I cannot even spend a saturday playing this garbage because I run out of fun things. THAT never happend before for me, not even in WoD, at least I had fun pvp then


'scuzze me but while we’re at it, what did 8.1 really brought to the table?

  • Warfront that was hated in the first place, but this time so awful nobody wants to do it even for loot?
  • 30 minute main questline push?
  • new raid tier

um… Anything else? Not to mention it took them waaaay longer than in WoD & Legion to push 8.1…

Sorry but WoD was better. It had more fun classes, and it had PvP vendors and PvP gear being BiS for PvP. BfA has neither. BfA is mostly an upgrade to Legion from a PvP pov, because of Warmode and a somewhat more fair reward structure (but which completely falls short compared to the WoD one) compared to PvE.


So what your saying is the bar can go even lower :thinking:

Easier to say that after the fact. You tend to forget the bad things and remember the more positive ones, and that’s a good thing because everyone would be depressed if it was the other way around. Well, I don’t forget the time when I quit WoW from WoD because there was nothing to do, so I don’t think it’s any better than BfA atm (on average).

I do agree that WoD had better class design though. There’s definitely large flaws with both expansions, but I wouldn’t say that either one is a lot better than the other.

Yeah but I’m all about the PvP so…

Also I’d run the challenge dungeons as they are the most fun I’ve ever had doing a dungeon and I felt pushed alot.

Id farm transmogs

Play with my garrison ofc

Do the quest chain the the shiny ring and the garona follower

Get my naval yard

Farm apexis

Do tanaan dailies

Do my pathfinder

I’d you know have fun doing whatever I felt like doing that day, because it wasn’t like a job where I had pressure to get things I needed to progress or keep up with curbside, so I could just enjoy the game, as a game WoOT!!

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To be fair, MoP challenge dungeons were a lot more fun, because the classes had nicer toolkits for pve.


Guilty despite the loot I didn’t do it on my official main (1st char), didn’t care for the potential 400 weapon etc. or the elite mog. Heck even skipped the 4th leather run despite only missing 1 elite mog from that set. yeah i kinda force myself to do it now. Luckily I did all the achievements already. Got 3/3 trasnformations in one go, it seems it true the most OP/overgeared charcters gets the buff constantly… Still have to see the buff just once on all but my main-main and raider main.

The raid I only need officially (not counting Jaina weapon/ring combo) 2 rings and 1 trinket for Il upgrade and also shoulder and chest for azerite traits. 1 of the rings is being farmed in mythic atm, so I need 2 to 4 specific pieces from HC lol.

I can believe it, but wod was the first time I tried the actual challenge dungeons.

Great fun, quality experience.

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^This. CM in WoD wasnt too hard. You had some clever tactics but they were fun and rewards were on point. Extremely good looking xmogs.
Now when you queue for +15 m+ you have to be 11/9 mythic, 469 ilvl, your toon has to be twin turbo 3000 GT and you have to strictly follow tactics (skip this, invis that) and in exchange you get a piece of gear you dont need.

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I agree, they were fun. I did them in both expansions, and they just seemed even better in MoP, if you can believe it. :slight_smile: Same concept, but no prune was made at all yet to classes, but the WoD ones were cool too.

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I loved WOD for it’s theme (Orcs and Ogres) for the music (One of the best soundtracks of the game) and for the different regions (loved that the regions were big and large, detailed, with a lot of things, probably BC nostalgic but it was great to see those regions)!

Definitely would love to see WOD regions again or at least BC regions with new graphics!

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well bfa is legion classdesign and systems slimed down with wod content

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Well, yes. Mostly because it was cataclysm that brought hard heroics back at first. Later nerfed, sure, but we were already outgearing them hard by then. There’s a reason why the 2 timewalking events people will die most are TBC and Cataclysm.

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