Wordsoul memories x5 is bugged

I have tried worldsoul memories x5 event twice, as part of a raid group (whole group on WM off) and every time it appears to be bugged for me.

After clicking the orb, the currency is subtracted from inventory (x5), but I don’t get ported inside properly. I can see the rest of the raid inside (blue appearances for everyone), I can see the progress bar on my screen, I can see the AoE damage areas and get damaged if I stand in them but I don’t see any mobs and I can’t interact with any of the raid members.

I also noticed that as soon as I click the orb to port in, I get some rewards (200 valorstones and 100 coffer part keys).

This happened twice, with different raids and different worldsoul events.

Please have a look over this issue and refund the 10 currency I lost.