World of Warcraft: What’s Your Story?

i think we can all guess why that isn’t the term used though right?

moving on nothing to see here!

I played a game where me and my friends could play together in another world from ours. Group up , go on adventures and meet other like minded individuals going through the same struggles

Then you made everything solo so my friends and I realised we didn’t need each other anymore. I can click and button and wait to join a dungeon group. I can click a button and wait for people to kill a rare.

Soon my friends went to play other games where we could play together again and they never looked back at Azeroth. I stayed , because I don’t need them to do stuff.

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It’s still correct English. Even if there are more ways to say it.

What an amazing idea!
I can now compile a database that links real life people to their in game main character!

This is amazing and there’s no way this can go wrong!

The awe of jolly cooperation died in this title a long time ago…

it only exists now if it is helping people increase their ilvl otherwise people don’t care about cooperation.

classic brought it back for a few months when it was fresh, those people returned JOY TO THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!!.. sadly inevitable they would not stay though… they are older now we all are… we can’t hang out with other people in other worlds as much as we once used to … and the people now who can… well they are different they been conditioned differently the idea of cooperation and social to them hold a different meaning a meaning about personal gain and “what can i get from it” and if there is nothing to get well or if you arent what they need… expect to be tossed aside like garbage…

welcome to World of warcraft 2023.

I don’t have twitter. Can you do my character please?


I watched a Bellular video showing most players in wow are solo players , and guildless to boot.

I mean you could make a case study about social anxiety just playing world of warcraft. Everyone is afraid of one another now.

I mean they posted they are removing the " hard knocks" achievement from Children’s week because It meant playing and co-operating with other players. Player didn’t like that.


social anxiety is no joke, used to suffer myself… thankfully not anymore but i can’t disagree…

this game is designed to be social it’s just the people who are in it are not the social types…

at least not a lot of them…

little can be done about that… as far as removed content and the like…

all can say is i feel like im a toddler and blizzard is running around the room safe proofing everything so i cannot harm myself…

they are very OTT right now… and rightly so they should be worried, they know they have messed up , they know what people think of them right now… no magic wand will change that reputation no matter how hard they try to act or appear differently…

people just do not change like that… if you are offender in the sense they are accused off you are that for life… you can dress differently brush your hair put a smile on … it doesnt change the past.

we know and they know we know and they hate it.


I don’t have twitter either, so neither my parents

I only believe in gravity 50% of the time.

Thanks! And lol, facepalmed thirteen times :joy:


A little bit of fun

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“travel over to Twitter”


I’m not afraid of other people; I just don’t like them. :blush:


i didnt got any reply, tried with several chars, any idea?

I think it’s a bit overwhelmed, took a while to get a reply to my Furyeclipser one

Something of Blizzard “overwhelmed”? How dare you, Madam!


Oh your one of those? Both are perfectly fine English

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*you’re. :slight_smile: