Would you date the person above you? #44

“Weird flex but okay.”

“How about an evening of wining, dining, Demon Slaying and wherever that takes us?”

“I’d take that offer. Slaying the fiends that imperil our home is one of the great pleasures of life, next to a good night’s study, fine company, and a particularly well-made lasagna. As it happens, I make an excellent lasagna.”

“Lasagna AND demon-slaying? You could just stopped at either. We have a date my friend!”

What some random, smelly, bearded and disgusting hobo no freaking way !
Go take a shave and a shower aready that’s the basic.

“You are mean, I don’t like that.”
Shalim gazes at the warrior with criticism

“Sorry, I don’t think we shall be together. You humans live short lifes in different ways, than those of us who have thousands of years to spend in this world. Many of you are too afraid of losing your right to live that you are unable to make sacrifices for others or pursue great goals. Imagine a fight where you are overwhelmed. A Night elf or Draenei would rarely let his friend in trouble, they would die together or prevail together. A human? He would just run away to safe his life. Look how you treat the one of your kind.”

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Ye know laddy, if it’s a big bowl o’ that wee Lasagna it can be o’ triple date. Minus the romance stuff. Just ‘ere fer t’ food.

glances at Shalim before simply rolling his eyes

“Short men try harder; it is known. We can attempt this.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call myself short. At least not for a human. Compared to your people though… but sure, I am not so insecure that I couldn’t possibly be with a woman taller than myself. So yes, let’s track down a mighty beast together. Maybe make lasagna out of it or something afterwards, eh?”

“What is this la-sag-ne you are speaking of? Some beast-treat? But as for a date? Nooo… I don’t think so. You are a hunter, and your hobby is to chase hooved beings! I don’t want to end in your lasagthing… I’m not totally insane! You are dangerous!”

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“I have dis liql ting called self respec’, womon. Part o’ de whole deal is not going for de loincloth clad penniless sort.”

“These trolls actually have scales?” While rubbing his chin, Astrophel takes a closer look at the troll.

“I mean… I recently went on a date with a troll; it was good! She made me laugh, we had a little drink. Definitely not a bad experience. But this one… he’s not so chilled. Next!”

Looks between Astro and a copy of her date papers, sighing as she rips them apart and throws them to the ground and a group of saurids gather the pieces running off with them soon after.

“When I did not mind royalty, dis was not what I had in mind… Move along prince I may be considered noting among Zandalari, but I still have standards.”

Sitting on the floor at a nearby table she orders some food and a ‘Golden Sunrise’, dropping the food on the ground for her ‘pets’ while she enjoys her drink while waiting.

“Dating a Zandalari?”
Shalim frowns
“No thank you. You are worse than goblins. Only gold, gold, shiny things… Sorry, I don’t want to be added to your collection of beautiful things”

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“Trust me, you’re in no danger,” Talraea remarks drolly. Then she chuckles. “Sorry, had to get that one in, you set me up for it. You’re fine, really, but I’m not really seeing much romantic potential between us.”

“Hey! Leave Puddin alone… On the other hand… I can see some potential in you! Maybe a diner date at your place? I always wanted to see Telogrus…”

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“Dinner date in Telogrus? That sounds romantic.”
Shalim is shy to show his feelings. He was always told to hide them. But this time, it was harder than usuall.
“And you have never been there? I thought that you can teleport us anywhere where the void is present.”
The demon hunter starts to be confused.
“Come, we have much to discuss. I need to underestand the limits of your powers and I believe that you would also like to know more about me.”
Shalim looks behind Zymara with suspicion
“Now, where you left that sacrificial dagger? If you intend to use it, please notify me in advance. It is always good to test my survivalbility, but unprepared I cannot endure everything. It would be shame if it was our last date.”
Shalim shrugs
“Yeah and beware scratching or cuting those tatoos!”

“You have become the very thing you sought to destroy. You wield the powers of a Demon as if it were a toy. The only reason I am not embedding my sword in your skull is because you helped stop the Legion. The mere suggestion of a date is offensive.”

“The feeling is mutual… Man’ari, Exiled, Broken, Lost or Light-brainwashed, an Eredar is an Eredar. You are lucky at the moment we are on the same side… but a date is out of the question!”

“Exactly brother. They cannot underestand that power of the light can manipulate the same way as the void or fel magic can. Have you heard the tale, how Lord Illidan was forced to destroy power hungry Naaru, while we were fighting Legion in Argus?”
Shalim pats the fellow demon hunter on shoulder.
“Now, we should discuss those old days of hunting demons with Lord Illidan at our side. Maybe we could go to Fel hammer and see the other Illidari. Or we could go somewhere where we will have more privacy. It is up to you. Just get us away from this hypocrite.”

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