Would you play Classic again?

This question is mostly for the people who transitioned into TBC, since there’s a few that are still playing on the classic-era servers.

Would you play Classic again if they’d release a fresh server in, let’s say, 6 months?
And why or why not?

I personally would not. I had great fun in Classic, especially phase 1 and start of Naxx, but all I did was with TBC in mind. For me the end-game in classic was just okay, and the zones to level in are still present in TBC, if not in a better state than in classic.


I feel mostly the same with you about Classic. As much fun as the first couple months were, when phase 2 rolled out it all went downhill for me. I used to play on a PvP server then and the endless Horde raids and camping really just ruined it all. That server (Stonespine) is completely dead on Alliance side - or at least used to be a month ago before the pre-patch.

I feel that history will repeat itself if Classic servers are to be released.

I think you would get more appropriate answers from the Burning crusade forums. Since this is for people who havent transitioned.

But yes we still play



I would play something that is classic but fundamentally different: a dungeon dweller in which you queue, enter a dungeon and get teleported, your level, gear, abilities set appropriately, eating & drinking is an ability (fine, actually, 80 each is enough, there is no need for loot - but wait, that’s unfun), however, it’s challenging, I mean from there onwards it’s the same as is in Classic.

Outdoor leveling? Nice, but it gets a little slow in the second half. And really, I’d like to progress to BC indeed.
The BC world has fewer elites, some rescaled. The talents are a bit better balanced, although the power spikes are at different points.

Dungeons? Sure, but spamming for hours on end to find a group…

Raids? Really shouldn’t do multiple expansions in paralel.

PvP server? No way I’d play them. For most, the other way around.

So really, having a character on a Classic PvE server sounds like an option to just fool around once a week or month, away from the usual set of characters, enjoying the rested bonus.

Ultimately, an XP lock at 60 on BC servers and/or all-the-way Chromie time on retail is essentially the same experience, with a bunch of little details I could ramble on about.


Not against it, simply it’d be like my own little servers. Oops, didn’t log for four years. Oops, only played 3 hours in seven years.

Also… I’ve done so much leveling, I’m not sure I want fresh. Economy is one thing, but really, another 120-240 hours just to have one character, or yet another altoholic combo with a bunch of level 35 characters over the course of a year…

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I would not touch fresh with a 10 metre pole. No thanks, I’ve had more than enough of levelling in classic already.


I love Azeroth more than anything in this game. And I really dislike Outlands. But I wouldn’t play fresh Classic server. I just need to feel a character and story progression.

Having said that, I still haven’t step a foot in Outlands with my two 60 level characters, and happily leveling a Night Elf Warrior (39 now) on Firemaw.


Definitely, at least for the first few months, those massive world pvp battles in 20s, 30s zones is the best experience I had.


A fresh server never is nor will be a factor for me that tips my decision one or the other way simply for the fact that since the open beta I levels so many chars that leveling became for me the most obnoxious chore there is in wow… I’d rather spend 14hrs straight farming primals in shadowmoon Valley than doing a single quest…

But to answer the “core” of the question, yes I would come back but not in the state it is right now. For me a considering factor would be when and if they merge all the servers into a big one depending on region and “setting” (pve/pvp/rp)

Most likely not, for one simple reason, world buff meta is really “naughty bannable words.”


yes and fter that i play classic classic and after i play classic classic classic and after i play classic classic classic classic


I would and wouldn’t.
I loved the start of classic(phase 1) , but that was mostly around since everyone was leveling with you and you had company along the way.

After phase 2, it kinda went downhill.

Yes, went over to TBC - loathed it and have now returned.


Would totally start classic again on a fresh.

The Game is far from beeing perfect, but thats also what i love so much about this version of the Game.


I def would, because with TBC they ruined what I like the most and that is shaman tank.

Back in the day I played only vanilla, first time playing TBC and now I see that they started to scrap idea of shaman tank which I was looking foward to doing in TBC also. Their decision at the time is confusing. Instead of expanding on a idea and making it better, they just threw it in a garbage.

I dont see how having another class being able to tank (it was originally intended to be) would hurt the game, giving the shortage of tanks being present. Instead of making game richer, they made it poorer basically.

I was born to sham tank. Will try it but might not be worth it in TBC.

That being said, I would def get back into classic.

If they ever make classic +, they better make shaman tanks viable or I wont be visiting it.

Dont see myself playing anything but shaman as a tank or fat 2hander dps. One of those roles being deminished certainly makes my game expirience much poorer.

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Yes, it’s the game at its most immersive form imo, can’t get enough


Played Tbc for 4 hours, logged out and deleted Tbc

Now waiting for a Fresh classic server if it ever comes till then i’m done with wow.


Just curious but why did you dislike TBC?

Little things really. The fact they’ve made some of the quests you needed groups for almost soloable ( in Duskwood ) It felt a bit like we were being encouraged to get all the low level stuff over with as quickly as possible - so we could go through the portal.

Classic has a sense of danger and it’s very hard to explain why. I don’t think TBC has it so much.


Don’t have the same nostalgic feeling with Tbc as I had with Classic.

Tbc was also completely unnecessary and has only come as an extra money machine for Blizzard.


I really don’t agree with this. BfA and SL, yes they are money milking expansions, but TBC is so beefed up with good content and stuff to do you can’t honestly say it’s a cashgrab. All classes became better in TBC, gear was more balanced, the raids are all top notch and HC dungeons keep you busy when you’re not raiding. Also the crafting is way better than in classic, where you just don’t need tailoring anymore after you get one piece (for example).