WoW Classic Content Unlock 13 February

The Warsong gulch vendors (Warsong Outriders, Silverwing Sentinels) currently don’t sell anything other than consumables. With this patch they will sell their usual gear from rep reward. (blue PVP weapons and purple PVP trousers and bracers)

As for the timbermaw and argent dawn just look up on wowhead what they sell :slight_smile:

Timezones, BWL releases worldwide at the sametime, only reason the dates are different is the timezone difference.

As of stock theory we hat out thoughts about bwl release 12 or 19 Feb.
Because that made the most sense in the
”hype” retail patch will have and normally it drops a month after slowly - so to maintain a steady hype for 2 months. It will make the stocks steady for the 1st quarter of the year.

So if u wanna earn a few $ it’s now.

I’m not surprised at all it’s predicted because blizzard did only think money.

Gl in stockings if u wish.
Remember this is just my cents, but I do think they will raise as usually and now even bit more due to classic.

Remember every stock is a theory, I won’t take responsibility in loss’

About the release and stuff.
Check the time difference from us realm calculate a little -
11th January around 12 quest release.
Thank God we have some nice blizzard posters to remember to fix a entire post.
Must admit gj dude…

Woo, the real raids begin! MUCH EXCITE

Hunter’s Feign Death and trap is still Bugged and you want to bring something new and old Bugs are not fixed -.-!?

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18(!!!) hours into Friday 10th, and it’s still not available.

Does the quartermaster drop the letter already?

Not yet. This dwarven science expedition came back with a negative result, much to King Magni’s dissapointment. The respawn timer on the npc seems to be really fast though.

Midnight 12 = AM
Midday 12 = PM

so it goes

11:58pm > 11:59pm > 12:00am > 12:01am


11:58am > 11:59am > 12:00pm > 12:01pm

and they say the 24 hour clock is hard to learn…

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As of 19:30 CET the questitem does drop.

lol… Whoosh :smiley:

Can confirm, it took them 20 hours but it drops now.

Thanks :poop:

what I dont get is why is US servers getting BWL on Wednesday and us on Thursday. What happened to each regions standard weekly resets?

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Well, I am a man of word, when I say I will do something, I do it like I said it, no compromises.
I do not really know why you are here, If it is OK for you why bother coming to that topic? I mean, some people have rules for themselves, it takes skills and hardship to create them, it is normal to say that I do not like the way blizzard treat me. But when you do not have that rule in your life, you do not care if they say something but doing differently… But why are you coming here to tell me that the rules that I created in my life, with hardship, that I learned the hard stuff to keep my word, I shouldn’t apply and shouldn’t take into account?

I do not get why are you here if it is OK with you? I do not get why are you defending them in their mistakes? Not everyone has the courage to tell them in the face, THIS IS NOT OK! I think this is one of the most expensive feedback.

You cannot say to someone they shouldn’t complain if they feel mistreated, because learning to do so comes after the way YOU act, after the " i am ok with that ". Meaning you are not there yet.

No ZG yet? :frowning:

Any news on fixing the bug that makes [Plain Letter] soulbound?

Plain Letters have never soulbound in WoW’s history. In fact, Plain Letters can still be traded freely on Retail.

This bug was introduced at some point during December.

Here are some other threads, reddit posts about the bug:


Who ever said this? Nobody has ever said this in the history of mankind.

Exceptin’ children trying to learn and me on several ocasions arriving an hour too early when catching a train :slight_smile:

Yeah most of the kids i knew growing up had issues with the 24 hr clock system, its a big world out there - dont assume you know all about it!

So you are comparing kids just learning the clock with adult human beeings beeing able to process and search for information themselfs, already knowing what a clock is, when you say “And they say the 24 hour clock is hard to learn”. They as kids? Thats your frame of reference?

I have one:

“And they say walking is hard”