You don’t seem to know what a straw man is. If I make the claim that RDF was released along ICC at the end of WOTLK then that is not a straw man argument. That is my argument that I am making.
A straw man is the logical fallacy of distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that extreme version.
For example when you take:
and straw man that as:
Now that is a straw man. You are taking my argument and distorting it and attacking that straw man.
How is that a straw man argument in you head? I am saying that. I am making that claim. I am making that argument. Yes correct I am doing that. It’s my claim and my argument.
Am I though? We are talking about the word “end” here in the context of an expansion of wow.
When does the end begin for an expansion in world of Warcraft do you believe? What do you think the word end means in this context?
Personally I call the last phase of an expansion the end. What do you call the last phase when we have got the last major raid and are waiting for the next expansion?
The word end in this content means the last phase when we have done all progression and are waiting for the next expansion. That is the end of an expansion.
I googled the word end: a" final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story."
What definition of the word end fits your “a couple of weeks before prepatch”?
This is just you repeating what I’ve said you’ve said all along, thanks, but how do you think this derailing of the thread is actually going for you or making the announcement better?
Yes, not only did they tweak the levelling xp permanently but the also recalculated the XP you already had so it got you to within 1 xp of the next level. I think they did this with Classic 2019 to TBC 2021 and TBC 2021 to Wrath 2022 too.
Your definition of the end of an expansion is an personal opinion and arbitrary “a couple of weeks before preptach”.
My definition of the word end is when we have reached the end of progression and end of the story in an expansion.
RDF was released at the end of WOTLK.
It’s weird how you can be so blatant dishonest like it’s normal for you and that no one can see your post history. But we can. It’s right there in the tread.
This is your first post in this thread:
Because that is not derailing the thread and turning it into an RDF thread. Right…
You are also lying because your server is full of players running dungeons. We talked bout that the other day. You can leveling in dungeons just fine. You realm is 10x more populated and active than any WOTLK retail realm ever was.
You are the who said “I hate the Classic Community”.
Why are you playing Classic? Honest question. Why are you here? You hate leveling, you hate putting in any effort for anything, you don’t believe any social dynamics exist, you hate the community. You don’t raid. What do you do in Classic?