Wrath is messed up

Unless Bliz do something drastic about botting/farming/gold selling wrath is going to be more messed up then TBC. End game is currently a lottery unless you have the spare cash to buy gold, wrath will be worse. Not sure it will even be worth playing. I have failed to get to end game with 2 chars in TBC despite many hours of play, why rng verses bought gold. I will not buy gold.


No man it will be so good. Newly founded gold farm on borean tundra that easily doable with boosted lvl 70s ow it will be so nice. Just make sure using your aoe skills or human racials time to time to kill these bots lol

It was just as bad during tbe live period.

You cant stop them they will just spam mroe and more account creations the reason mmorpg games started selling gold was basically because it was the only way to remove gold farming bots. Its just the process didnt stop the evil gold buying brings.

If only there were legal competition, they would start caring about this whole mess, but they can do whatever they want.

Well, that how it ends up when you remove passion for games with passion for money :clown_face:


Sounds like a you problem


You mean, like retail ? It’s still infested with bots.
They don’t care. Adding the WoW Token is just the Blizzard way to not having to deal with goldselling and making money from it.

Now it’s an official P2W unlike Classic which is still an unofficial P2W.

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You word us completely true i fill it step by step in tbc. But my friend! U talking about company to sell the boost 58 who sell the gold himself. Who sells the transfer stuff that’s do all of this to realms population. They just dont care man. Bad for gamers look like us who loves the wow :frowning:

Imagine if you had concentrated on one then you would be 70 by now.

He is right. Why so much hate?


Find a guild first. Even if it means 10ppl guild in Wrath. And yes, being a Warrior in early TBC was a dumb idea, same in Wrath PUGs not really wanting em in first phases of Wrath.

Imagine being able to be proud about your work. What a weird concept…

Its not going to be any more or less “fooked” than what TBC currently is. And most people seem to enjoy TBC. So all in all, its going to be just fine.

-white noise-


I have 2 70’s

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I can’t read minds, I assumed by not reaching endgame you meant you hadn’t gotten to 70. You should have been clearer. Like “I have 2 70s but can’t progress through endgame raids.”

It’s the way the game is played now, pug raids, rng, months of SSC still no T5, that’s not me that’s dumb cross class tokens and rolling. The only option is to break the TOS, buy gold and run GDKP’s.

This topic is an evidence of the game’s current state. People flagged a poster who is saying “i dont buy gold”.



Do You really think cross class token is dumb? Would You prefer vanilla like single class item drops, like they were in Molten Core? How do You think that would work with 25 player mode, or 10 player mode in which the raid may just not have a representative of each class?
I genuinely want to know Your opinion about it.

So it is you problem. Instead of joining a guild you decided to gamble your IDs with randoms in pugs. The problem with gambling is that you are more likely to lose.

Been in a lot of guilds, they either broke up, down sized, split or died. Not to mention those using and abusing DKP, EPGP and loot council.