Yet another faction imbalance complaint

This is probably true yea. Unless so many guilds actually follows and turns the imbalance in huge favour for alliance so they get the larger pool of players, or as you say, the alliance racials will hold the advantage over the next tier aswell.

I would not say Alliance is dying but yes it is the reason. Players have also been like that since i started playing just over 12 years ago. If Alliance do have the best raiding racials this time watch the trickle of tops guilds move over. Once the top (and I mean the top, not guild who think they are top) go the others will follow.

The only way to stop it would be to disable racials, or more likely, Blizzard will nerf alliance racials as they always do.

I guess we’ll see what comes.

People follow the masses

Hence why BoD another moment we saw top world guilds go alliance no one followed.

People follow popularity. And in SL alliance racials look to be winning, not to mention alliance races have always been used in MDI.

If you were accurate Mythic+ competitive players would go alliance. As in the MDI they use alliance races. Yet they don’t.


Yep, people are sheep and will continue to be til we no longer exsist.

Well it is sheep and isnt at the same time

I can’t blame players for wanting to be among the population. Espically as the game requires you to be, PuGs and more require a thriving community, if that doesn’t exist in the alliance

It’s not really there fault overall

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The faction change discount didnt help, eh?

This is just not true at all. All during BFA our faction NPCs were allowed to cross-faction-group against their own faction whenever they wanted to. I would argue it takes a lot of IGNORANCE to combine the still faction-based-nature of World-PvP with the current state of the lore. It has been completely disconnected for a LONG time.

Here is a suggestion:

  1. Rename Warmode “Brawler Mode”
  2. In Brawler, you can group up with anybody you want, but everybody who is not in your group is hostile to you.

Outside of “Brawler Mode” you can simply group up with anybody you want without the hostile-part.

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