Your characters name - What does it mean?

I have that post bookmarked. Was ones of those ‘make your day’ moments


There is serenity in simplicity, so I have chosen to describe who I am, as what I am.

Jade Serpent guide you.

Soooo… a troll identifying himself as a panda? :smirk: … Oh dear, no, it’s even worse, poor thing.

Do I need to tell?

I always name almost all my human characters with a number, as I imagine their background as them all being nameless Stratholme orphans, them being written in a numbered list of the kids rescued that day. Having no name written in it, they take their number as name.

Hence why “Trenta”, which simply is “Thirty” in Italian. Practically speaking, numbers are chosen in some way that means something to me (30 is number of the street I currently live in, for instance)

Always played warriors.

Had multiple and it was always my go to in games.

Wanted a change of pace, priest ended up being the class I thought I’d hate.

  • ended up loving it, called him Chapter as I begun a new ‘chapter’ in my WoW life :slight_smile: and many other MMO’s.

I wonder :thinking: I know it’s been likened to the noise made by a coughing chicken, here in the office…


Now i cant unhear it xD

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It’s also the name of my New World server. :grin::grin::grin:


Tsja regular nickname, taken by the game. Tried Tsji, Tsjo, etc and ended up with Tsjoh which is my first character. Made a paladin which i could have named Psjoh but Psjohly sounded funnier (since there is~ ‘holy’ in it). I am very creative. :sweat_smile:

Rakar is a castle in vampires down 2 and i just liked it haha

My name is Dwalin. I am an Dark iron dwarf Shaman.

But i am also one of the Dwarves who traveled with Bilbo and Gandalf as a member of the Thorin and company(Thorin Oakenshield) on the quest to regain the Lonely mountain from the dragon Smaug. My brothers name is Balin.

I had a cat named Spot

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If I were to translate it from english to english, it means
sayer of whispers

Nothing, really, I just wanted a Draenei-sounding name

Kinda based on my name :smiley:


It means “Shine”

Rayzens… because my original Rayzen was taken on the server. :frowning:
Created Rayzen over 10-15 years ago when playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Full name Rayzen Starburn.
It was a combination of Raiden and Zen basically, but used an y.

Anyways, Rayzens also sounds exactly like saying raisins, so i found it funny. :smiley:

I moved to this Eonar because my RL mates are on this realm. My old name was Steroid and I had to change on arrival. I had recently been in a club called Tokyojoe’s and just use that without much thought because I was dying to log in.

I’m not super keen about it but it is endured.

Im named after her