Your ideal faction leadership

In Thros, Katherine learned just how tormented Jaina was by the ghosts of the past. Katherine was a mother before a kul tiran, and her love for her daughter overshadowed her hatred for Jaina’s decisions in Warcraft III. Furthermore, Katherine was a pretty mediocre Lord Admiral and Jaina had just saved Kul Tiras from Ashvane, proving her worth as leader.

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Thank you.

Indeed the only thing that we really know about her rule is that she sat by while Kul tiras fell apart and lost its fleet, while letting herself be manipulated by a treacherous Disney villain that wanted pirates to take over Boralis.

“Mediocre” is putting it very nicely.


Yes. That’s what I just said. Boralus was almost destroyed under her rule. Whereas under Jaina’s rule, Boralus is flourishing. Katherine is a loving mother but a terrible leader.

Oh please. Jaina did jack squat for Kul Tiras. It was the PC who cleaned up the mess on that island.


puts a band-aid over the Purge trauma :shark:


So she swooped in and sang her lullaby. Big whoop.

YOU were the one who exposed Ashvane to begin with.
YOU were the one who unified the different factions on the islands.
YOU rescued Jaina from her prison.

Why would you let that glorified lighthouse take credit for YOUR work here, miss Daelin?

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YOU… were not the one who saved Boralus from destruction.

So what. It’s still a game my dude. Katherine can’t make me Lord Admiral, because then everyone else would get angry. Though I’d make for a great Lord Admiral. I would truly lead Boralus into a new golden age of power and glory. Not to take anything away from Lady Jaina of course.

You still believe your character actually exists in the world as a person? Wow.

I would expect Taelia and Flynn to have exposed Ashvane, Taelia to have exposed the Stormsong situation, young Lady Waycrest and her Order of Embers to have freed Drustvar, Mama Proudmoore erself to have rescued Jaina, and Jaina to have been the uniting factor, once the Lore finds itself into some Chronicle-like summary.

We’re nothing.

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Indeed. I was busy looting the place whilst it burned. Yay me.

But my overall point was more that Jaina, for all her success dangling her pretty necklace didn’t actively contribute to the efforts that preceded that thrilling cinematic. The PC did all the work here and I for one am not going to fork over praise on a character that played no part in the story leading up to that finale.

We can contrast this with her counterpart on Zandalar who was actually involved in the story from start to finish.

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You are all…NOTHING!


The cinematic doesn’t take anything away from the PC. But the end of the dungeons was not the end of the siege – but the beginning of the end. In that cinematic, Ashvane’s armada could have laid waste to Boralus, even after the PC killed all the bosses, including that octopus. That’s why Jaina’s miraculous intervention was so important, as it saved Boralus from annihilation in its darkest hour, and that’s why she was made Lord Admiral.

Kul Tiras was a mess when the PC got there so I absolutely don’t think you can say that the PC is irrelevant to that particular setting. Now, last I did those quests was way back in the early beta but as I recall it the story as it was told kinda depended on you being there to solve the problems for characters like Flynn, Taelia and Waycrest who were all failing on their own. You’re right in that we typically don’t have much agency in the story but what that usually means is that we have very little choice in how we carry the story forward.

although I will say that for stories such as the Battle for Lordaeron, War of Thorns and the final chapter of the war campaign the role of the PC is…much less engaging as it was told through the lens of a handful of A-list characters from start to finish.




Stop trolling Erevien. :roll_eyes:


Please Blizzard make this happen, for my draenei chars I would pick any day of the week Yrel as the leader over that boring Velen. Bringing her back into the story especially as the leader of draenei people would make my dreams come true.


Perfect! You read my mind! If only that could happen…

In my opinion it would be kind of no-brainer for Blizzard to divide each faction into halves (aggressive / peacefull) and add a batch of existing races to the neutrals’ list, opening with Pandarens. We would get back to WC3 but with more philosophical than racial division.

It would also serve as a good moment to push some characters’ stories forward i.e. what about Genn Greymayne, will he patiently wait untill Anduin stops playing peacekeeper or should he join Tyrande on her quest for vengeance?


Kaldorei - Maiev Shadowsong

Well I see that even without the faction-merging Blizzard wants us to agree on, I can agree with you.

It would be nice to go back to the roots once, and remastering Classic and paying for playing it doesn’t count.