Youtube ads offering boosting services. Blizzard what are you doing?

Blizzard does not act fast enough so any penalty, if at all, is pointless. The gold was transfered and there was more than enough time in between bans to make more than enough gold to cover costs.

Blizzard are in bed with boosters. From not making it possible to filter group names via addons to the length required, 3 months, to get people banned. As well as the report tool being totally useless as all it does is waste your own time.

If blizzard does not instantly bring down the ban hammer on those accounts abusing the raid, torghast, M+ as well as legacy raid que’s then what is the point of bans if they are 3 months down the line? All they show the rest of us playing is that it does not matter if they get banned. Gold was made and transfered. While there rest of us paying customers are subjected to ads, left, right and center.

I am not saying that Blizzard is not doing anything at all, because if they weren’t then they wouldn’t be able to say that they are “listening to our feedback”. What I am saying is that all they do is the absolute bare minimum, well… which is basically nothing at all in the end.

I expected to see a lot of cost benefit analysis arguments regarding blizzards profits, but that is not the point is it?

The point is that with the current state of gold/boost sellers they might as well endorse it openly, since it is what we are experiencing anyway. Alternatively, they admit that the problem is out of hand and they do something to adjust it. I think that the most frustrating part here is that they say NOTHING, while we are led to believe that they are actually trying to put some effort into stopping the tsunami of gold/boost sellers.

People have been complaining about this issue with gold/boost sellers for a very long time, but blizzard don’t take our complaints seriously and they rarely even communicate anything.

While we have little control over adverts outside of the game, it’s vitally important that if you see any kind of advertising in the LFG tool (including “gold boosts”) that you right click the listing and select “report group for…” -> “Advertising”.

This will hide the listing from your tool as well as send the report for investigation. We do not allow advertising of any kind in the LFG tool.
