Disgusting Hanzo one trick reforming himself to join a team WOW

OYE OYE ladies and gentlemens.

Let me introduce myself,

My ingame name is CookedPotato, i am a top 500 Hanzo main, atleast i used to.

Why am i searching for a team are you asking ?

Well i am really bored with the solo q experience this game as to offer, i love overatch and i love playing competitive but solo q is a pure joke. To continue and try to enjoy the game, i started playing everythings but hanzo in solo q to give me some sorts of challenge.

And it worked out pretty good, i am a good flex dps, flex support and main support. And even more strange, i really enjoyed playing other roles and trying my best to master them. I am done with solo q, but not with Overwatch, and so i want to play in a competitive mindset with players wich are willing to do the same.

So if you are interested, please do not hesitate and contact me, even if it is only a one time thing.

So here is a recap :

I was a consistent Top 500 player one tricking Hanzo on a 60Hz monitor, with sometimes 50 fps in teamfights.

I am willing to learn every roles possible and excited for it.

I am still playing on a low end computer BUT it is not going to hold me back.

I am a very good projectiles player, Main support and flex support. Still learning tank and hitscan.

I have a lot of free time for now so i can play whenever the team wants.

And most importantly i am so handsome it should not be legal.

Anyway, if you want to scrim with me anytimes, on any roles, i am your man.
