Подскажите макрос

Подскажите пожалуйста .Есть ли такой максрос, при нажатии которого, в цель берется враждебный игрок(возможно ближайший) не конкретный игрок, а в зоне* видимости*макроса типа /ц


Targeting functions
/assist - /assist,/a - Targets a player’s target.
/clearfocus - Clears the current focus target.
/cleartarget - Clears the current target.
/focus - Set a focus target
/target - /target,/tar - Target the given unit by name.
/targetenemy - Target the given hostile unit by name.
/targetenemyplayer - Target the given hostile player by name.
/targetexact - Target the unit by exact name match.
/targetfriend - Target the friendly unit by name.
/targetfriendplayer - Target the friendly player by name.
/targetlastenemy - Target the last attackable unit you had selected.
/targetlastfriend - Target the last friendly unit you had selected.
/targetlasttarget - Target the target of the last unit you had selected.
/targetparty - Target a party member by name.
/targetraid - Target a raid member by name.

/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]

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