Blessed Wheelchair лф игроков с опытом каты на гиене

:ru: Welcome to the Blessed Wheelchair discord server!:wheelchair:

Q: Who the fu* are we?
A : We are small but solid russian-speaking semi-hardcore roaster from Whitemane private server, moved to Gehennas to pump a bit

Q : Whats our experience and goal?
A : \We had a good progression on private servers as:
Tier 11 - 12/13 HC
Tier 12 - 6/7 HC
Tier 13 - 8/8 HC
Our goal is fast passage of content heroic difficulty raids and dungeons in a friendly environment with a fair council loot distribution in 10ppl

Q : What do we expect from our players?
A : Mature personality.
Close to 100% attendance and punctuality.
Solid knowledge of your class/spec. We are not looking for greedy, self-centered players who only think about themselves, we are looking for a team player. Someone who is willing to minmax when possible to make fights easier for themselves and others in the raid and do your best.
Put effort into your training. Basic things like understanding the mechanics and how to apply them are a must.
Take constructive criticism.

Q : What classes do we need in our main roaster?
A : Atm we need some dps classes as:
Fire mage
Ret Paladin
Arms Warrior
Surv Hunter
:white_check_mark: if you have decent Cata Exp - can look for any another role/class

Q : What’s the requirements to join main roaster?
A : Atm we’re looking for players with high Cata exp, or at least BIG WOTLK logs.

Q : Can you just join your guild to have a good time to have fun together?
A : Sure! Just DM me!

Q : Whats our raid scheulde?
A : We’re playing
Friday 19:00 - 00:00 GMT+3
Saturday 19:00 - 00:00 GMT+3 (reserve day)