Hello Blizzard and Community! My first Impression of Diablo 4 is very positive, great Art, nice Designe, Dark Overlay. But theres still some things that i think bugging some Players. I kinda like the Diablo 3 Combat Engine but it would be nice if the Fans get something new or slightly changed about the Combat System for Diablo 4 because the Gameplay feels the same as the 8 Years old Diablo 3, why should the Fans play the same Combat Engine again? And my other thoughts are about the Endgame and Skill Variations.
First of all i have to mention the Game: Path of Exile, with the Mapping System that would fit perfectly into Diablo 4, diffrent Maps and Places where People able to grind Items and Kill Bosses. Hey theres the Arcane Sanctuary from Diablo 2, a cool Place in Space where People can Teleport into new Dimensions and Areas to fight Monsters, that would be awsome and would fill and fit the Endgame alot.
Second Thought: I guess everyone is hoping for more Skill Variations. I love it that Diablo 4 got the old Skills back from Diablo 2, this is great give us more! It would be awsome if you can change those Basic Skills with Runewords or somethingelse that splits the Builds from a Basic Build into something new and self created that turns any Build into alot new Variations! Dont forget Paladin, Amazone, and Necromancer. People Love Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, thats Diablos Home.
Cant wait for the Game hope it will be super awsome as everyone expecting!
Regards and all the Best.