Make Hanzo great again!

I main Hanzo since the release of Overwatch and Hanzo was never too consistent. If you’d take away his E the hitrate whould drop again below 30%. His E just fakes consistency. I feel like hanzo is on the way of becoming a literal spamzo. Blizzard removed scatter arrow and gave Hanzo this spam ability, but to counter that giving him a faster projectile. After the release of the stormarrow hitrates got up to 50% or higher. Easy to get it high if you just shoot the E on the easy hitable tanks. Against flankers or ranged dps the E is useless. So you have to rely on your primary fire to stay consistent and I mean effectively. A nice change whould be to delete his E entirly, make his projectile speed faster and his time to load shorter. Combine this with a dmg dropoff for arrows (dropoff should be a linear function). There you have it, a hero that is strong in midrange and weaker in longrange. Who needs the E anyway? I’ll tell you noone. Make Hanzo great again!

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