Poor matching in Overwatch (Blizzard)

Why is Blizzard still not capable to match properly ranking and quick play based on the skills?
The matching is not balanced or even worse since OW1 as we have now just only 1 tank, whose competence cannot be leveled out or /and replaced by the other team player.
Blizzard answers with the standard phrases like „your feedback is „important“ to us“ or "we are going to work on this…What is the reason?

Warum sind Leute immer noch nicht in der Lage, englische Fragen zu Overwatch in das richtige Forum zu posten, sondern nutzen stattdessen das deutsche Forum, in dem Feedback zum Battle.net-Launcher gesammelt wird? Was ist der Grund?

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Danje für Ihre schnelle Antwort, aber es hat mit der Frage nichts zu tun ^^