Thousand Winter "Hotfix"

I can’t remember writing something in the forum ever, but I have something to complain about.
As many players may have noticed, there was a possibility to queue thousand winters as often as possible during a window of 30 min, every 3 hours. That led to some abusing the system by letting attackers win to maximise honor income. Okay, that is not like intended, sure, but the fix is just ridiculous.
You can join once every 3 hours in a window of 30min now. That’s not the problem. It would be fine to me, BUT when you join Thousand Winter and are put into a running BG that is 2min before losing the game, that totally ruined my experience. When I am able to join ONE battle for Thousand Winter, then I want to fight it 100% and not lose without ANY chance to do ANYTHING. That is also not like intended and should be fixed fast, because it is simply annoying. Let people queue until they won a match or I don’t know, let them join fresh BGs only… But this is really uncool Blizzard.
Thanks for reading and like to show Blizzard we care!

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Ja, wie gesagt, ich poste extrem selten was, weil ich generell mit allem einverstanden bin. Habe es extra auf Englisch verfasst, damit es eine breitere Masse finden kann =O

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