Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2021


Danke für das „Update“, da es schon ein

Diablo 4 - Info- und Sammelthread - #1052 von Glex-2888

gibt, sollte man dort auch weitermachen.

Ich wollte nur sicher gehen, dass Leute die nach genau diesem Blogpost ausschau halten, ihn auch sofort finden :slight_smile: :sunflower:

Der Sammelthread mag als Diskusionsgrundlage zwar gut sein.
Aber für die rund 80% unserer Zuschauer, die nur einen Blick hier rein werfen ohne zu interagieren, ist ein direckter Hinweis oft sinnvoller, als wenn sie eine Diskusion durchlesen müssten, die schon mehr als 1k Antworten beinhaltet :wink:


Just my 2 Cents concerning the PVP Endgame:

Fixed Returnpoints in the open like u planned will only end in frustration for the PVE Community and will make PVP obsolete like every PVP attempt in every diablo before… and i like PVP AND i like Diablo :wink:

!Lower the damage-output in PVP ! So the fights will last longer … should make the fights more fun… people at least feel like they can have a part in the outcome instead of beeing 2 hit and having no time to react (range vs melee etc.) … and should make finetuning the balancing in PvP easier too.

Look into the Trading/Thieving/Hunter Trifactor in „Silkroad“ (a very old game… and it wasnt used since in games to my knowledge!?)
Transporting treasures(Shards of Hatred in our case) as a „Trader“(Player) with HIGH HP TRADING-MOUNTS from a safe location A to a safe location B ,getting attacked by Thieves(Player)on the way inbewtween the safespots, beeing able to hire Hunters(Players) in exchange for a percentage of the treasure.

It was very appealing, engaging and fun…and because of the HP cussion of the Mounts it was mostly a hard fight.
In addition the jobs enabled people to do quick skirmishes in front of towns ( because u equipped one of the 2 cloaks hunter or thief and u had fun battles … u even could bring the ears back :wink: for PK ? )

In Conclusion this System as shortly mentioned above (adapted to the Shard of hatred thingy of diablo) would be neverending endcontent and way more appealing and safer/more immersive for nonPVP players.

Anyways i hope u can tweak ur PVP concept so PVP can finally will be viable content in Diablo 4.

PS: legions or guilds … eventually attacking and defending outposts at fixed timeframes would be 2 much 2 wish for i suspect !? :wink:

@ Morgrim

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