[Bug] Group Dungeon on World T3 with Upgrade

Hello Support / Forum,

this bug Happened recently 2 times in a row with different dungeons.

We happened to play in a group of 2 player, in an upgraded dungeon to lvl 10 but that does not matter to replicate.

We happened to get 2 Upgrades for the same Dungeon. Finished it then we both left the dungeon. Via Hotkey „T“ ( thats important to replicate ).
Then Upgraded the Dungeon again and went back into the Next version via the Return bubble in town.

Now there is 2 possible scenario that can happen now, but not what you would expect out of this.

Scenario 1.
We both get the same dungeon as Singleplayer with the Affixes and can finish it both. with 1 missing part. (The player that went in as the last person gets to upgrade his glyph) but both get the items as soon as any player finishes the dungeon.

Scenario 2.
When each of us enter the dungeon, (becouse we are teleportet infront of the entry)
either the other guy gets kicked out of it, so you are not able to enter the dungeon as a party/group.

Restart does not fix this, seems serverside.

sry you are in wrong forum, this is the german forum (sry for bad english)
here goes to the wright forum :point_down:

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