Mit Patch 32.0 wird das Jahr des Raptors eingeläutet, in dem euch Hearthstones neueste Erweiterung, eine neue Standardrotation, Änderungen des Kernsets, ein gewaltiger Balance-Patch, Community-Tage und vieles mehr erwarten!
(Beitrag gelöscht vom Verfasser)
19.19 und der Patch ist schon im AppStore? (Android)
Patch 32.0 is now live; below are some of the bugs we’re currently tracking - this thread will be updated throughout the patch, thus make sure you keep an eye on it.
[Highlight] [Pre-Release Tavern Brawl] We’re seeing some issues with the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl for players who are still on Patch 31.6. We’re working on solutions for affected players, and suggest making sure you’re on Patch 32.0 before starting a Brawl run.
[Battlegrounds] Rerolled Heroes sometimes do not have armor.
[Hearthstone] Players might receive duplicate copies of Malorne - this is being looked into.
[Brawl] Some players were able to access the pre-release Brawl without updating the client, but did not get the correct rewards.
[Hearthstone] Frost Tyrant is not summoned into play when drawn by Nightmare Lord Xavius’ Battlecry.
[Hearthstone] The Black Knight’s Tradeable effect is not working properly.
[Hearthstone Jumpscare is revealing the shuffled cards to the opponent in the History Tile.
[Hearthstone] During Discover selection, a Signature card’s description popup does not appear on mouse-hover.
[Hearthstone] Shaladrassil is not putting the cards generated into hand in a random order.
[Hearthstone] Drakkari Enchanter appears in the core set despite not being part of it.
[Hearthstone] Spawning Pool doesn’t grant a dust refund.
[Hearthstone] Doomkin’s stats are not fully reverted (should be 6 mana)
[Hearthstone] When you play Mimicry and overdraw a card for your opponent, you don’t get the copy.
[Hearthstone] Verdant Dreamsaber plays the attack animation multiple times.
[Hearthstone] Ancients of the Dream lacks Taunt tooltip.
[Hearthstone] Displayed dust refund values are incorrect for Signature versions of Portalmancer Skyla, Marin the Manager, and Tsunami.
[Hearthstone Collection] Unable to paste Deck codes created with the Official Deck Builder site.
[Battlegrounds] Fish of N’Zoth’s effect is inconsistent with Battlecruiser.
[Battlegrounds] Minions buffed with Undead Army Aura display their base stats during Discover screen.
[Battlegrounds] Piloted Whirl-O-Tron Buddy fails to copy Showy Cyclist’s Deathrattle effect.
[Battlegrounds] Saloon’s Finest doesn’t refresh a full Tavern with Twice as Nice in play.
[Battlegrounds] Wandering Wight does not buff minions summoned in combat with Pack Tactics.
[Mobile] Message pop-ups are not always active.
Zum Glück ist das ja überschaubar und nicht ganz so viele
was zur hölle muss ich auf deutsch eingeben, um alle erstattbaren karten zu sehen? Auf englisch get ja refound aber auf deutsch hab ich jetzt locker zehn schlüsselwörter durchprobiert und keines will. Andere Sachen haben ein deutsches equivalent.
Ja, ich bin der letzte doofe Mensch, der das Ding auf deutschssspielt und ne, ich bin eigentlich zu faul, die sprache für die eine nerfrunde auf englisch umzustellen.^^