Patchnotes zu 32.0

Patchnotes zu 32.0

Mit Patch 32.0 wird das Jahr des Raptors eingeläutet, in dem euch Hearthstones neueste Erweiterung, eine neue Standardrotation, Änderungen des Kernsets, ein gewaltiger Balance-Patch, Community-Tage und vieles mehr erwarten!

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19.19 und der Patch ist schon im AppStore? (Android) :face_with_monocle::scream::sweat_smile:

Patch 32.0 is now live; below are some of the bugs we’re currently tracking - this thread will be updated throughout the patch, thus make sure you keep an eye on it.

  • :pushpin: [Highlight] [Pre-Release Tavern Brawl] We’re seeing some issues with the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl for players who are still on Patch 31.6. We’re working on solutions for affected players, and suggest making sure you’re on Patch 32.0 before starting a Brawl run.

  • :new: [Battlegrounds] Rerolled Heroes sometimes do not have armor.

  • :new: [Hearthstone] Players might receive duplicate copies of Malorne - this is being looked into.

  • :new: [Brawl] Some players were able to access the pre-release Brawl without updating the client, but did not get the correct rewards.

  • [Hearthstone] Frost Tyrant is not summoned into play when drawn by Nightmare Lord Xavius’ Battlecry.

  • [Hearthstone] The Black Knight’s Tradeable effect is not working properly.

  • [Hearthstone Jumpscare is revealing the shuffled cards to the opponent in the History Tile.

  • [Hearthstone] During Discover selection, a Signature card’s description popup does not appear on mouse-hover.

  • [Hearthstone] Shaladrassil is not putting the cards generated into hand in a random order.

  • [Hearthstone] Drakkari Enchanter appears in the core set despite not being part of it.

  • [Hearthstone] Spawning Pool doesn’t grant a dust refund.

  • [Hearthstone] Doomkin’s stats are not fully reverted (should be 6 mana)

  • [Hearthstone] When you play Mimicry and overdraw a card for your opponent, you don’t get the copy.

  • [Hearthstone] Verdant Dreamsaber plays the attack animation multiple times.

  • [Hearthstone] Ancients of the Dream lacks Taunt tooltip.

  • [Hearthstone] Displayed dust refund values are incorrect for Signature versions of Portalmancer Skyla, Marin the Manager, and Tsunami.

  • [Hearthstone Collection] Unable to paste Deck codes created with the Official Deck Builder site.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fish of N’Zoth’s effect is inconsistent with Battlecruiser.

  • [Battlegrounds] Minions buffed with Undead Army Aura display their base stats during Discover screen.

  • [Battlegrounds] Piloted Whirl-O-Tron Buddy fails to copy Showy Cyclist’s Deathrattle effect.

  • [Battlegrounds] Saloon’s Finest doesn’t refresh a full Tavern with Twice as Nice in play.

  • [Battlegrounds] Wandering Wight does not buff minions summoned in combat with Pack Tactics.

  • [Mobile] Message pop-ups are not always active.