Entdeckt neue Helden im Hakenmodus!

Heee, wäre das nicht was für dich?

Ist sogar T1 :wink:

Illidan is a spell-based Fel Demon Hunter. Whenever a friendly character attacks, a Fel spell in your hand is discounted. In addition to your Hero, attacks from cards such as Coordinated Strike or Impfestation can rack up a bunch of discounts for you. Your Hero Power is also an upgraded version of the regular Demon Hunter Hero Power in that it provides Lifesteal for your Hero. In combination with attack buffs and Multi-Strike, you can hit multiple targets and heal up while doing so, not to mention picking up even more discounts for your Fel spells!

You also have some nice tricks to play even more spells thanks to Archmage Vargoth, Jotun, the Eternal, and the main finisher in the deck, Jace Darkweaver


N’zoth ist ja nur t3.
Der hat mir eigentlich Spaß gemacht :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Der Lichking klingt auch nicht schlecht.