Hearthstone China bannt mehrere hundert Accounts

Da wird die Wild Community noch kleiner :sweat_smile:

Hearthstone China issues permanent bans to ~100 Wild accounts for illegal use of third party programs, including high legend players

„A few days ago, it came to our attention that some players were intentionally and maliciously using third party software to obtain wins. For instance, using said software to trigger additional Echoes for SN1P-SN4P. This significantly and immensely affected competitive integrity, as well as the play experience of other players.“

Since the Rise of the Mech event, SN1P-SN4P has been played in many Mechwarper decks in Wild, but animation times generally mean that the maximum number of SN1P-SN4Ps that can be played a turn will be ~20. In most cases, the actual number is lower, due to time spent thinking, not optimising actions etc.

The third party software/s in question brings that number to (afaik) 80 in some cases, massively increasing “OTK” potential, as well as competitive advantage in general.

Genaueres auf https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/cetj0q/hearthstone_china_issues_permanent_bans_to_100/

Spielen die Chinesen nicht sowieso in ihrer eigenen kleinen abgeschotteten Welt? Ich meine, die haben doch ihren China-Server, den der Rest der Welt gar erreicht? Andersherum ist es genauso, die können nicht auf Asia, EU oder NA zocken.

Von daher ist es mir egal, wieviele Millionen China-Accounts gebannt wurden.