Worst Heartstone Battleground Season Ever!

As a dedicated Hearthstone player who has been actively playing for almost 1.5 years daily—and since 2015 in total—I feel compelled to express my extreme disappointment with the current Battlegrounds season. This is, without a doubt, the worst season I’ve ever played.

Game Dynamics Are at an All-Time Low

The current meta is stale, frustrating, and devoid of the engaging gameplay that once defined Battlegrounds. Minions feel underwhelming, and the lack of viable combinations makes every game feel like an uphill battle. What used to be a game of strategic decision-making now feels like a chaotic mess with little room for skillful plays.

The Minion Pool Is Broken

The most glaring issue this season is the absurdly imbalanced minion distribution. In one game, I went 8 straight rounds without finding a single Loc Prime, despite rerolling heavily and no other players running Murlocs. Shockingly, this same scenario repeated a few games later. It felt as if the minion wasn’t even in the pool. This kind of randomness goes beyond “bad luck”; it’s an absolute disgrace that makes the game feel downright unfair. The fact that some minions seem to appear more frequently than others undermines the entire gameplay experience.

Combinations Are Worse Than Ever

Season after season, Battlegrounds has introduced exciting synergies that made experimenting with builds fun and rewarding. This time, however, the combinations are not just harder to pull off—they’re outright unenjoyable. Many builds feel unviable or unsatisfying, and it’s incredibly rare to pull together a synergy that feels powerful or rewarding. Instead of being fun, the game now feels like a chore.

Conclusion: A Complete Waste of Time

I’ve given this season ample time and effort, but it’s clear that this iteration of Battlegrounds is not worth playing. The broken minion pool, uninspired gameplay, and lack of strategic depth have sapped all the joy out of the mode. Until significant changes are made, I will not be playing any further this season. For a game I’ve loved and supported for years, this is a massive disappointment.

Blizzard, please listen to your community and address these issues. Battlegrounds used to be a masterpiece of strategy and fun, but this season has completely missed the mark.

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I agree, especially to the slight imbalance ad the pool feeling broken.

Yes, all is randomness and RNJesus giveth and taketh.
I’ve played many years of Battlegrounds and this season feels the worst by far.
I often go many rounds without finding fitting minions or good ones at all.

This includes being for example the only Naga player and being on tavern 5 as the first and yet no Nagas appear at all the next round - zero.
Of course this sometimes happened before - now it happens roughly every second round.

All the while beasts are played by 4 people at the same time and everyone has tripples already. Seems slightly off :slight_smile:

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