Ideen zur Verbesserung ( In Englisch)

  1. Ranked

Threre are a lot of different porblems with the rank mode. Many games suffer from it.
The main porblems here are, that this is a team game
In starcraft 2 the better you are and the better you get, you´ll rank up to the point when you´re not smart or fast enough.
In Overwatch you always have 5 more players you have to rely on when playing a game.
But way to often, you can´t.
In a perfect game you are always able to win 50% of all time, which would make it perfectly balanced. The problem it ist creating is a stagnation. In the end most of players will remain in their rank regadless of how good they have become.
I´m able to see more and more players with silver and gold portraits in silver and gold, and they were never able to ever rank.
This will lead to a mayor frustration to a lot of players and they, like myself now, will pick whatever they want because after 10 seasons and still the same, why should it ever change.
Another problem are beginners. There is no doupt that the game is designed to get into everyting very fast, but if you get a lv 30 in a game who has only played Hanzo, this might be a problem. They will never have the experience to help in the game.
In the end , the experience for the team will be ruined.


  • you need at least LV 100 to be able to enter any ranked mode.
    this will assure you know what you do
    this will get smurfs away, they take way longer and the system can better look how good they are
  • Level system for heroes
    you can only enter ranked if you have 3 heroes of each cathegory on level 5 (look at Level System)
  • 10 sec waiting time, after getting into game
    this should assure that fast PC/Internet, etc. can not go by the " i picked first argument"
  • restriciton in FPS
    the better the PC the better the game, restrict it to 100 so that the mass can play,
    ( I only can afford a Notebook, max is 60 FPS)
  • prefer system next to the new group system (look at 4.Interface)

I hope that these solutions can help people in ranked to get more interesting games.
It is interesting if the game ends 4 to 5 or 2 to 3 but not 3 to 0

Drops and Rage quit
if you drop and cant get in again , you´ll only loose 25 points
if you quit with the button you´ll loose 100 points
if you loose with only 5 or less players in your team you will loose at least 10 points less
if you win with only 5 or less players in your team you will win at least 10 points more
if you loose with only 5 or less players in your enemys team you will loose at least 5 points more
if you win with only 5 or less players in your enemys team you will win at least 5 points less

For more questions ill gladly answer your e mails

  1. Hero Level System

you can level a hero by playing him, you can get a lootbox with each new level,
every 5 level you can choose a random item
every 25 level you can choose a legendary item
you do not gain a “overlevel” when a hero gets a level
after level 10 you get a new portrait, and 5/15/20 will give you a special spray or movement
( a little bit similar to heroes of the storm)

-Reporting AFTER the game

  • friend inviting after the 2 minutes
    you can invite a fried to help if the 2 minutes are expired, if the player get´s in again hell dorp out again.
    The invited player will get and loose only half
  • hard AI after drop --> helps with mass on the point
    hightest new ranking is PLAT
    i met a lot new players which were put very high and lost nearly 800 points in 2 weeks

For more questions ill gladly answer your e mails

  1. Interface
  • change private so that you have to activate it
  • more diverse classes, ability to activate this:
    • Flanking
    • Tanking
    • Hitscan
    • Healing
    • Crowd/Area control
    • Specialist
    • Mulitclass
  • second prefer system:
  1. you can choose 3 heroes of the gorund class as “preferred to play as” and 2 heroes to “do not want to play”
    for example: i like to play Roadhoag and Zary but i dislike Reinhardt, with the System now i only can say Tank.
    This will not change the rank program, just by pressing P you can look at the Player.
  2. Prefer as tank at the Portrait, can be activated and deactivated, helps with ranked
    Idea: a little sign with a cross will say i want to play a healer now
  • new portraits:
    diamond after plat
    than you can choose for ruby, emerald and sappyre, you can get them all and switch these 3 around

A 20 minute training program if you pick a hero you haven´t played
it shows how it works, what you can do (you have to use the abilities) and what it can archeive

For more questions ill gladly answer your e mails

  1. New Heroes / Rework


back to healer
6 turrets: 3 hold, 3 healing
Turrets can no longer apply damage, just slow down
main attack less damage, high slow,
secendary charches with main, only this can apply damage

Symetra was a always a support and not a healer, but i hope with this changes she can support again and with the healing ability, get back into her cathegory

slows takes longer but bigger area, secendary charges a little bit faster
second weapon shoots the ice first freeces and sets a trap
new ability, ice trap, person freeces
wall change: can be switched to build horizontal, enables flanking on volskaya or hanamura

I love Mei, but she often dose simply not work, i hope shell be better with some changes.

turret 100 shield, lockon takes longer, shorter range,
lv 1 turret short range, lv2 higher
100 scrap at the start, limit at 300

Just change him a little bit

gains 200 hp and 300 armour if ult is activated, like torb
this should help him to survive longer

so he can survive a little bit better

flashbang one sec down

to help the mass

Soldier 76
Healing Pot: more range and faster, less solo healing, the more in the circle the more it heals

For Multiclass and a support helper

New Heroes

Class: DPS/flanking
HP: 200 HP
Person: half swiss half japanese/ female
Look: ninja like Gengi
Main weapon: small arrows in arms like gengi
Secendary weapon: none
Abilities: - chains, can hook enemy hero, both jumping at each other
- small sword in left arm, 4 seconds, damage by 60, like dash
Passive: wall climb and can stay on walls, no fall
Ultimate: dragon wrath, gets very fast every attack double damage
Origin: -maybe daughter of gengi and Angela, while she healed Gengi
- hates hanzo

Leon Healer 200 HP (white) man
Class: Healer
HP: 200 HP
Person: Man white has armour on him, Hair like a lion
Main weapon:Main attack. heat shot gun (something like that)
Secendary weapon: fire, the longer the bigger
Abilities: throws little gredandes, which can heal
can heal in an area
Passive:can climb with walls with claws
Ultimate: fire storm, 2 possible directions: foreward and around him
or:feel the fire: all allies in area gain blue flames, which are healing
Origin: overwatch member, soldier “30”

Class: Tank
HP: 400 HP --> 200 normal 200 armour
Person: Australian woman (is in a mech similar to Ripley in Alien)
Main weapon (leftclick): shoots hooks, but no chain
Secendary weapon (rightclick): a knockback or big punch
Abilities: can get a chain in a door, like a trap
can hold enemy at her, but then only melee
Passive: can repair herself
Ultimate: cannon, big cannon which fires an energy stream
Origin: junkertown

Class: DPS/Multiclass
or: Tank
HP: 200 HP --> 100 normal 100 armour
or 400 HP --> 200 normal 200 Shields
Person: evil omnic, with a suit, if tank than bigger then the other omnics
Main weapon: weapon pyramid like orbs
Secendary weapon: none
Abilities : can jump to enemy or ally
can slow enemy with orb
Passive: floats like zenyatta or can fly slowly and than walk, if tank taken
Ultimate: time stop all heroes in an area stop moving
Origin:hates humans, omnic site

Class: DPS Specialist
HP: 200 hp 50 normal 150 shields
Person: Good omnic like Zenyatta
Main weapon (leftclick): electricity through shields
Secendary weapon (rightclick): electicity in all directions
Abilities:gets a round 1000 shield (takes time to set up, to get big)
can put this shield around him
Passive: floats like zeniatta
Ultimate: shoots his barrier, hight damage in one direction
Origin:zenyattas temple master

Class: Tank
HP: 500 hp 400 normal 100 armour
Person: Chinese like chen form heroes of the storm, has big red armour
Main weapon: rocket like phara, just slower in shooting
Secendary weapon: none
Abilities: can setup somewhere, gains magnetic field, which spread shots everywhere
can run a short distance ( speed increase )
Passive: none
Ultimate: freedom of mind, like brightwing all enemys get pushed back, stun if contact with environment
Origin:fighting in china, built armour similar to the crusaders

Class: specialist/Healer
HP: 200 HP
Person: ape or gorilla, but small and tiny, like torb
Main weapon (leftclick): energy gun
Secendary weapon: none
Abilities: can set up healing pots 2 small ones and one big all have 3 charges
can jump like winston
Passive: none
Ultimate: disrupt, if targeted at enemy all movement will be reversed, --> w means back, left means right
Origin: moon

“Old Man”
Class: DPS/ Hitscan
HP: 200 HP
Person: Southener
Main weapon: Rifle for long shots
Secendary weapon (mousewheel): Shotgun
Abilities: blending grenade 2 sec white screen
can punch with gun
Passive: none
Ultimate: no idea
Origin:fahter of Mcree

Class: DPS/ Hitscan/ flanking
HP: 200 HP
Person: looks feminin but is strong minded, Spanish
Main weapon (rightclick): small Assult rifle
Secendary weapon (leftclick): mines on wall, detonate after 3 seconds
Abilities: Smoke bomb
can jump in and out, maybe with feet
Passive: none
Ultimate: rally, all allies 50 percent faster
Origin: “solder 66”

Note: These are only concept ideas, it would be wise to change it so that they can use all their abilities for their role.

For more questions ill gladly answer your e mails

  1. Map changes/ New Maps, gamemodes

Current map changes
This is sadly the worst game mode,
you get rushed and have to try to hold for 8 minutes,
you hold but then youll loose the last second
you run into a wall…
too less to do on the map

change the 2 cp to 3 cp
get destructables, like for example
Hanamura: hole in the ground at the right --> 1000 hp new entry
Volskaya: arm of robot left shootable: new entry
able to collaps sth on the point

I hate these kind of maps so i hope that these changes might get this gamemode to be a little bit more interesting

blank map, you can build walls, can put in points, to conquer
light elevation
a bunch of stuff to put in (ballons, pinniatas)

New gamemode:
Horde, inspired by heroes of the storm and DR. Junkenstine
try to destroy 3 objectives, bigger every time,
Hordes are Robots, you get more with two points, to activate with one of it before the objective
all 3 objectives have shields
maybe door than turrets than main objective (maybe something important)

Overwatch was build to be easy understandable but a gamemode like this might be interesting, all the stuff is already implemented, so…

Map ideas:
Black forest: germany you push through a fild to a forest to an old big house
Yucatan: Mayan Temple with base in it
blachwatch base: southeast islands
omnic aromory: in Norway in the snow

If you managed to get here,
Thank you for reading all of it, Overwatch is one of the best games I´ve ever played and i hope that it will be around for the next years.

For more questions ill gladly answer your e-mails

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Und außerdem sind deine Ideen und Vorschläge alle unsinnig. Setzen, 6

Vorallem, was sind neue Helden bitte für eine Verbesserung. Neue Helden bringen nur noch mehr Chaos in das Ganze.

Zeit und Wissen haben nichts miteinander zu tun. Nur weil jemand 5x länger braucht um Ranked anfangen zu können, wird sich auch nichts ändern. Und außerdem lernt man im QP vorrangig sowieso nur, wie man möglichst egoistisch spielt, denn Teamwork macht in dem Modus ohnehin keinen Spaß, zumindest nicht in der SoloQ.

Und wie will das System das erkennen? QP und Ranked haben voneinander unabhängige Elo-Systeme und durch die Unterschiede in der Spielerschaft und der Motivation ist es ohnehin fast unmöglich, die Leute richtig einzuordnen.

Und was hindert die Leute daran, einfach nur stumpf zu grinden ohne darauf zu achten, dass sie den Helden auch wirklich kennen lernen? Und wie will man die Leute davon abhalten, am Ende trotzdem nur einen Helden zu spielen?

Das löst nicht das Problem. Ob die Leute nun dieses oder ein anderes Argument nutzen, am Ende werden sie trotzdem versuchen, dich zu einem wechsel zu zwingen.

Bevor du so einen Vorschlag unterbreitest, solltest du erst mal in einen Bereich kommen, in den du einen wirklichen Nachteil davon hättest, dass du mit geringerer Auflösung spielst. Wenn du mit 60 FPS nicht nach Master kommst, dann wird sich auch mit 144 FPS nichts daran ändern, denn die Probleme liegen offensichtlich an anderer Stelle.

Und ansonsten sollte ein Tower PC im gleichen Preissegment wie dein 60 FPS-Notbook locker 80-100 FPS erreichen, wenn nicht sogar noch mehr. Man sollte sich vorher halt einfach mal informieren, was die Nachteile eines Notbooks sind, anstatt hinterher einfach nur aus egoistischen Gründen eine Änderung einzufordern, die dir kaum Vor-, anderen aber massive Nachteile bringt.

Inwiefern sorgt auch nur einer deiner Vorschläge dafür, dass ein Spiel interessanter wird? Die Leute bleiben ohnehin die selben.

Und der Rest… naja. Im Grunde kannst du nicht beweisen, dass das Spiel durch deine ganzen Heldenänderungen und vor allem die neuen Helden besser oder interessanter werden würde.

Beiträge sollten so verfasst werden, dass sie von Besuchern ohne Fremdsprachenkenntnissen verstanden werden.
Eine extra Übersetzung auf Deutsch ist nicht ausreichend. Der Moderator kann im Normalfall nicht verifizieren, dass der Text mit dem Fremdsprachentext überein stimmt.

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