Low Elo is Gaming Hell

So I just got Platin and what happened is exactly what I expected. The games get easier, not harder, to a point where it feels so easy that is actually no more fun. Cause suddenly, everyone knows how to play. Flanking, which previously was often a one way ticket, suddenly becomes a hyper strong tool that counters complete enemy teams cause your team actually supports you. Healers try to play with you. Tanks that know when to get in and when to get out. My last 5 games felt so onesided (my last game was 19/0) that we had to camp the enemy team at their spawn point. Even the one close defeat Ive got was more of a „I try some stuff out“ game.

So my point is that this system is extremly discouraging to low elo players. You get punished for trying to be innovative, winning is often just a question of getting lucky with your teammates. You can have the best personal performance and still lose, which seems to be different in higher elo, where you playing well makes a huge difference. There is no tactics and little plays you can make in lower elos. Some semi good players might even be stuck in low elo cause they are not good enough to get out on their own but would do well in higher elos. I dont know. I call it elo hell and it is the same in every shooter Ive ever played. The elo seems to be based mainly on your teames performance and not on yours. I think this should be measured differently. Every player should be measured by how well he filled out his role and by how well he used his characters tools. For example a Reaper that doesnt flank and only sits in the backline does something wrong. A moira that only throws damage balls from far behind does something wrong. A Mei that doesnt constantly cut off the enemy healing line does something wrong.

So to everyone reading this: Good luck getting out of elo hell and find strengh in the though that there is acutally waiting teamplay for you :wink:

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This is the german forum

No it isnt, dont lie to him -.-

Im false here???

Ich bezweifel das Platin die magische Grenze ist wo plötzlich alle korrekt Overwatch spielen.


Jeder meint plötzlich weil er leicht übern durchschnitt ist, dass er Ahnung hat.

Gestern auch wieder nen Streamer zugeschaut, der meinte er wäre der absolute Überflieger ist aber seit 30 Std irgendwo in Platin. Alles natürlich nicht seine Schuld, er ist ja der größte und er hittet hart, im Gegner Team nur Smurfs und Sniper und überhaupt er ist ja mega krass… hat immer am meisten Damage (nicht), hat immer irgendwelche Pfeifen oder Thrower als Teammates, die im Gegnerteam sind Smurfs die ihn snipen und auch noch die Randoms steuern…

kannste dir nicht ausdenken. Aber in Valo und CS ganz oben dabei gewesen. okay dude!


der ist iwo 2019 hängengeblieben… kommt aus seiner Paranoia nicht mehr alleine raus…

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