I have already filed more then a few bug reports on this specc alone, let alone some things out in the world. However, I wonder if I have missed anything so far, because the list is quite extensive, however I will run it down to the major 3.
Nether precision is bugged and quite often, does only provide one stack. Happens very frequently, I would guess around 50% of the time!
Touch of the Magi is also bugged and sometimes gives me only 3 arcane charges, though this does not happen as often as the nether precision bug.
Not sure if this is just my bad luck, or if something is not working there aswell:
Freecast proccs. Once a while I can spend my entire mana on an enemy, without proccing a single free cast. A 4 charge arcane blast has a 10% chance to procc this, with full mana I can cast 12 if I just spam it. This somehow feels a bit frustrating, even if it is intended and all processes run correctly in the background. The gameplay somewhat revolves around those freecasts, and when I just empty my mana bar twice without producing 1 freecast feels terrible. Maybe build in a safeline, to procc at least once after 12 casts…
Have you found any more fellow mages? Because for me, these things are somewhat gamebreaking, because stuff does not work as intended.