Archimonde Hand & Shoes

I want to suggest adding Archimonde’s Gloves and Shoes.
We currently have his Headpiece, his Shoulders and his Belt in the Game.

It’s a shame that the Set isn’t complete. There is a lot of robed „Lookalikes“ which looks nothing alike the real deal. Archimonde isn’t wearing a robe and I think his armor looks pretty neat. I’d like to see the rest of his set addet someday.

And before anyone criticises that we don’t need archimonde lookalikes: We already have Illidan lookalikes. Justice for everyone. Justice for the Legion.

I bet any warlock would love the option, and they are technically already in the game and just need to be resized.

Gleiches Thema… Schreib deutsch oder geh ins Englischsprachige Forum, Vorschläge kannst ingame einsenden.

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Ich hab keine Option gefunden ins englischsprachige Forum zu gehen sorry, das wollte ich auch eig. Dachte das wird vielleicht zugewiesen der Sprache nach.

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