Call To Dominance is bad in design

is anybody else hating Call To Dominance? I farming since first week (with my wl, which is my current main), and i just dont get the trinket… im doing hc, normal even lfr. im just so tired of trying to get that stupid trinket but its 4-6k dps upgrade and we are progressing mythic… how can u design such a good trinket and have the worst odds at getting it every week
(talking about very rare item, 4 classes 3 of them BiS and no pitty like evo legy…), sry for this rant but its just so frustrating seeing the trinket go to ‚x‘ wl which is like 2k rio and 8/9 hc when i could use it so much better…

Ich hasse es eher wenn Leute IM DACH-Forum Englisch schreiben und noch dazu im Realm-Forum tbh.

Aber ja super Rare Trinkets sind schlechtes Design aus meiner Sicht.



Ahh true sry haha
Hab das ausm WL dc einfach kopiert weil ich da auch schon geschrieben hatte wie sehr mich das nervt… ^^’