[engl.] Why mistweaver is bad and I stop playing it

Why Mistweaver is bad and you should change class

This is from an experienced mistweaver, not super stellar but good player. 10/12 mythic last season, 2-3 cheesed top200 logs HC/mythic… things you do when you are bored.
I write this as a kinda farewell, because I’m just having enough. I benched myself in my own raid and will reduce my playtime massivly.
I only played the classic ranged weaver with a bit meleeing in between, I was never really full time fistweaving. Keep that in mind, because the state of fistweaving might be a little bit better, even if it’s probably trash, too.

Summing up week1 healer stats, this is a short catchup of the maximum output from the best players in hc:

Holy Pala and Diszi have best raid mitigation and by far best dps. They do not deserve the highest HPS spot, too, so they end up somewhere where they should be. Diszi is weak whenever healing more then 18-20 people, so it will be exciting how it fares in 20 man groups. Maybe needs a 5% boost to dps and/or heal.

The Holy Priest is just slightly underwhelming, especialy considering groups are somewhat bigger then the mythic 20 and it’s an AoE spam machine. It’s the second one to go OOM, too, so it could use a slight uplift in HPS and maybe a 2-5% reduce in mana cost.

The druid is doing his thing and is in a good shape, it’s hps is very competitive, maybe even top of the charts after the 4% shami nerf.

Shami: best single target heal in game even after 4% nerf, good AoE, lots of utility that is actualy useful in castle nathria. The meta heal.

Wait what? Best single target heal - that’s the monk, isn’t it? No. It is not anymore. You will loose to an equal equiped shaman in pure single target hps and then be oom when he has 40% mana left.

So… what is wrong?

  1. Mana
    While BfA had trinkets like the alchemist stone at raid itemlevel, mana restore trinkets from both M+ and the last raid, and mana restore borowed powers from the essenzes in the heart of azeroth, blizzard decided to remove all of this and highten the mana cost for mistweaver instead. Yes, highten it. You will go OoM first. Whatever the damage pattern, you are a total manahog and it’s so bad that giving you in innervate is just a waste of a raidcooldown, because…

  2. throughput
    You are beeing outhealed by every class other than the diszi. Spells are slow, and the best single target healer title now goes to shaman. You could put on some haste to get throughput up, but see point 1 and think again.

  3. Utility and cooldowns
    You have next to zero raid utility. Tiger’s Lust is good, but there is nothing else. Revival is as good or bad as ever, I personaly put it on the good side of things. The new super mayor CD, the flying dragon with the enveloping mist spread… is a total overrated piece of s**t. Why? Because you need mana tea or innavate to make it only cost half your mana when done properly, you need to prepare the casts with a 10sec time advantage before the damage really hits, and if the group is not stacked or, and this is really where the fun is at, you choose the „wrong“ people to heal while they are stacked, the mana spend is going to be wasted. It spreads env mist in a small circle around the target if you cast it. If the raid is spread, forget about it. This makes the CD situational. Now if you happen to cast the env mist on 4 ppl that happen to be next to each other while the raid is stacked, then they catch the spread and it’s wasted, too. Because it’s not a smart cast, it will just overwrite itself couple times. The CD is massivly overrated. It’s way to complicated to fire up, it’s too mana expensive, it’s situational and then you can get unlucky, too. What tf is this?

  4. damage output
    KungFu melee super master - not. Even full melee you do worst damage of all healers on average. It’s just underpowered af.

  5. Covenants
    To keep it short: there are no good covenants. Nothing feels good or has synergies. Just choose something based on the CD it delivers or the soulbind you get and be done with it. It really doesn’t matter and feels arkward all time. Blizzard has seemingly no fucks given here, too. There is an exception if you go full melee though (Kyrian).

  6. M+
    What could possibly go wrong when BLizz decided to change the drinking behaviour so it is no longer possible to take small sips between pulls and reg your mana. Answer: it’s a nerf for mana intense classes. And who is by far the biggest manahog there is?

How to make the monk good again (was it ever)?

-30% mana cost to all spells
+30% damage output
+30% single target HPS output
Rebalanced covenant / soulbind abilities so they actualy do something and interact with class abilities
Change Yu’lon the dragon - completly from scratch.

All this together will be too much, you may choose lower percentages everywhere but the mana consumption to get it somewhere competitive and fun. As a note though: you can do some M+, you can do normal raiding. If that’s your thing, you are fine. If you want more and be competitive - good luck.


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Der Text war für das englishe EU Forum gedacht - das scheint aber komplett tot zu sein. Ist ein Farewell wie im Text auch beschrieben und vielleicht auch eine Warnung an neue Spieler diese Klasse definitiv nicht zu spielen. Mit SL damit 3 Addons in Folge der mieseste Raidheiler, und es scheint weiter bergab zu gehen. Ich bin halt raus. Viel Spaß beim Priestern oder was auch immer.

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MW ist derzeit der schlechteste Healer in jedem Kontent. Es fühlt sich halt kein Blizzard Entwickler für diese Klasse zuständig. Merkt man einfach überall. Selbst heftige Bugs werden nicht oder nur sehr langsam gefixt.


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