Englische übersicht Affixe Beta HC+ Dungeons (Quelle: Reddit)


hier ne recht saubere Übersicht:


Seeing as there aren’t any well written guides, I went ahead and tried to piece together videos to get a general idea of what the new „affixes“ are in the Beta dungeons. The same affixes from Alpha dungeons are present (web wrap/blood pools/etc). These new affixes interact with them.

Gundrak/Drak’tharon Keep -

There are „Witch Doctor’s Brew“ cauldrons throughout the dungeon. Only one player in melee has to consume this brew and it causes this DEBUFF interaction: The player takes 5% of their hp as nature damage every 5 seconds for 5 minutes. Blood pools the player touches will now turn into poisoned pools. Instead of healing, they now deal 1% of enemy’s hp per second.

Halls of Stone/Lightning -

The stacking debuff you get from trash changes a bit. You no longer take increased damage and you gain 2% increased damage per stack instead of 1%, lasting 12 seconds. At 100 stacks, in addition to the 200% increased damage, you gain the same buffs you gain from Keepers during the Yogg-Saron boss fight (10% increased damage per Keeper, Hodir saves your life, etc).

There are Immortal Crusher tentacles throughout the dungeon (walk passed the one at the start and pull trash to get to 100 stacks before returning to it). You need Thorim’s buff to kill them just like the Immortal Guardians during the Yogg fight. They reduce your sanity while you fight them. Freya’s buff restores 20 sanity every 5 seconds when you don’t cast spells or abilities. Freya’s buff also makes mana a non-issue.

Basically, the dungeons will be a lot of fun. Get 100 stacks. Everyone will be doing massive damage. Mana won’t be an issue for the healer/casters. You have to chain pull to maintain stacks but also have to stop/slow down periodically to restore your sanity.

Culling of Stratholme -

Open a crate at the start of the instance to grab a Holy Hand Grenade (one per player). Use them to de-ghoul a player or to one-shot a new mob giant, „Zombie Horror“. The Horrors don’t do much damage but they have a massive amount of HP. When thrown, the grenade will buff all players within a 30 yard radius of the explosion, increasing healing and damage done by 20% for 20 seconds.

Utgarde Keep/Pinnacle -

In addition to Glaciate, mobs will now cast Fire Blast. This debuff will deal 10% of your HP as fire damage per second for 10 seconds. It can stack if you’re chosen by multiple casts before it expires or is removed. You can remove this debuff early by walking over a frost patch left from a Glaciate. When removed this way, you gain 50% crit for 20 seconds.

The Nexus/Oculus/Violet Hold -

When Mirror Images are killed, they give a stacking 5% melee/ranged/casting speed and movement speed buff, up to 30%. Lasts 30 seconds.

Azjol-Nerub/Old Kingdom -

For each second that you are web wrapped, you get a stacking buff that will duplicate the next spell or ability used on the same target.

Trial of the Champion -

The crowd throws things into the arena. Bananas that make you slip and stun you, Frost Traps that slow you, and Fire Traps that burn you. They also throw helpful stuff, like leaf chests that restore health and mana (like from BGs) as well as roses that give a stacking 2% damage and haste buff (lasts 20 seconds).


Danke fürs reinsetzen. Super :+1:

Gundrak/Drak’tharon Keep ist ja defentiv der einfachste Affix jetzt.
Tank kippt Trank → Affix vollkommen ignorieren…
Da spielt doch keiner mehr Freiwilig HC+A die Inis :smiley:

HoS/HoL ist lustig zum lesen, birgt aber in meinen Augen ungemein hohes Wipepotenzial oder übelslange Abende darin :smiley:

Utgarde… die Faulpelze und Movement-Günther kriegen jetzt einen 50% Crit-buff fürs stehen bleiben… och mann :sob:

Der Rest ist (leider) unspektakulär, aber macht es wenigstens interessant.
Endlich haben die DDs einen Grund, Spiegelbilder zu hauen = Haste und Movement-Buff :smiley:

Hab grad mit meinem Mage die ersten Dungeons durch; fehlen nurnoch die Nexus und die Azjol Dungeons:

Halls of Stone/ Halls of Lightning macht Mega Spaß bei 150% mehr DMG - du bist durchgehend am pullen, gehst nicht oom, bekommst weniger Schaden → Das ist super nice. Der Rest is unspektakulär, aber mMn ne Verbesserung zu den vorherigen Affixen.

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