After Dk got nerf after nerf and hunters (which are natural counters to DK) got this big overhaul, arena is literally not playable anymore.
Every shuffle has atleast 1 BM and every second 2v2 game has a hunter.
They dont even have to play good, just spam damage, literally not hitting a single trap and still win?
Meanwhile me as DK trying to chase them with my wet noodle damage and no purge for freedom.
Game ends on the second Call of the Wild by default? Like wtf.
This game is infested with hunter rerollers and they are achieving high rating because they just auto win melees (especially DK), that class is beyond broken.
Can we please fix this, this gamestate is getting like Ret rework in DF.
Nerf BM 15% overall in pvp and they will still be A tier.
Revert Dk nerfs, atleast the Death Coil 15% nerf or the one Sudden Doom popping 3 wounds. This class is very popular but BOTTOM Tier Winrate and Played. Last time I faced a Dk was like 5 sessions ago, everybody gave up because its just unplayable right now.
Nur als kleiner Hinweis, dass wir hier im deutschen Forum sind und du dementsprechend deutsch schreiben solltest.
This is the German forum, you should look for the EU one or write in German.
Brandstiftergnomin Minci
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