LF Aktivv end game gilde

Hello first i speak little german.Started on this server cuz i want to learn language and i think im on good way.
So Im looking for some aktiv guild where i can play end game raids with hcs.Its realy hard to get accepted here and i understand that but if some1 is willing to test me would be nice.

I played for 4 years Wotlk with 5 bis chars, i can say for me im high skilled end game player.I did X times Lods(icc 10/25 hc) , rs hc , Togc 10 25(finaly it comes on server so happy :slight_smile: )
I know for every boss tactics hc or nm.
-So ich habe 4,8 disz , 4,2 bDK, und ein jager 3,5(neuer).
Even tho as disz i dont need comunication withguild,i can always listen when u call for ps or pi etc etc.
Im looking for 1 game test if some1 can give me opportunity.
/w Tribord ,Tribordt , Tribordqt
oder tribord#0967 discord

Vielen Dank , bb


First of all, I think it’s really great that you chose a German server to learn the language ;). You seem like a really nice guy and I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable guild

Ps. Ich suche auch eine Gilde mit meinem Diszi 5k GS xD /w Unfaíthful