I’ve been getting Lua errors at regular intervals for a few days now.
Unfortunately I can’t do anything with the error code and am now trying my luck here.
Here is my message that I always get back. After checking several times, it is definitely the same message.
Message: Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua:538: script ran too long
Time: Sun Sep 29 12:16:37 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua:538: script ran too long
[string „@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua“]:538: in function func' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/AuraUtil.lua"]:85: in function <...e/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/AuraUtil.lua:74> [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/AuraUtil.lua"]:107: in function
[string „@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua“]:545: in function ParseAllAuras' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua"]:553: in function
[string „@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/TargetFrame.lua“]:169: in function `OnEvent’
[string „@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/UnitFrame.lua“]:1028: in function <Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/UnitFrame.lua:1026>
Locals: aura =
{spellId = 388539
isBossAura = false
duration = 15
expirationTime = 2395.944000
isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet = true
points =
icon = 132155
nameplateShowPersonal = true
nameplateShowAll = false
auraInstanceID = 117377
timeMod = 1
isRaid = false
isHarmful = true
canApplyAura = false
name = „Verwunden“
isHelpful = false
applications = 0
isNameplateOnly = false
sourceUnit = „player“
isStealable = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = „script ran too long“
self = TargetFrame {
systemInfo =
downKeys =
spellbarAnchor = Frame {
overHealAbsorbGlow = Texture {
healAbsorbBar = Frame {
unit = „target“
EMEanchorTo = UIParent {
unitHPPercent = 1
otherHealPredictionBar = Frame {
portrait = Texture {
EMEanchorPoint = „BOTTOMLEFT“
EMESystemID = 49
hasActiveChanges = false
overAbsorbGlow = Texture {
activeBuffs =
auraRows = 1
systemIndex = 2
snappedFrames =
manabar = StatusBar {
totFrame = TargetFrameToT {
haveToT = true
tempMaxHealthLossBar = StatusBar {
healthbar = StatusBar {
elapsed = 0.413000
predictedPowerCost = 0
replacePortraitSettingChangedHandlers =
activeDebuffs =
savedSystemInfo =
showPVP = true
dirtySettings =
totalAbsorbBar = Frame {
settingMap =
settingDisplayInfoMap =
systemNameString = „Zielfenster“
settingsDialogAnchor =
TargetFrameContainer = Frame {
spellbar = TargetFrameSpellBar {
auraPools =
myHealPredictionBar = Frame {
showThreat = true
IsPingable = true
name = FontString {
Selection = Frame {
statusSign = -1
statusCounter = 0
showAuraCount = true
showLeader = true
showClassification = true
buffsOnTop = true
showLevel = true
threatIndicator = Texture {
TargetFrameContent = Frame {
frameType = „Target“
defaultHideSelection = true
system = 3
threatNumericIndicator = Frame {
showPortrait = true
powerBarAlt = TargetFramePowerBarAlt {
Thank you in advance for your help