Macros wont work

Hallo guys,
I can’t wrap my head around it why this macro function wont work. Hopefully somebody of you guys can help me with it.
Im pretty new to the overall topic of makros and I couldn’t find any helpful article about it.
Im currently playing as a fury warrior and there want to bind the ability Whirlwind and the talent Bladestorm onto the same button. Modifying it with shift so I can change in between battle.
This is the following macro:

/cast [nomod] Wirbelwind
/cast [mod:shift, talent:6/3} Klingensturm

[mod:shift, talent:6/3} <---- Falsch: Das Zeichen } richtig wäre —> ]

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Und ansonsten braucht es auch den talent-Modifier wenn Bladestorm eh geskillt ist. Dass macht nur Sinn wenn man zwischen Dragon Roar und Bladestorm situationsbedingt wechselt.

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