Mueh'Zala Bug/ Instant Wipe

My grp and i just experienced a bug on MuehZala a few times, where he practically instantly kills your entire grp. At the very end, when you played all 4 platform correctly and just want to finish the boss, he starts to cast „Stellar Cloud“ on multiple members of the grp for no reason at all. Neither did they leave the platform, nor did they attempt to. We were all on the right platform, with MuehZala, him being at 12%. Having this dungeon ended there, 5sec before you would normally get your +12 loot, is by far the worst feeling ive had in WoW for a longer time. Idk how this bug can still be in live but im actually so frustrated with this. Im not gonna run another DoS key until i am sure this stuff is fixed. Good 45min dungeon to then bugwipe it multiple times on the last 2% of endboss health…

Und aus welchen Grund schreibst du hier in englisch? Desweiteren Bugmeldungen sind ingame zu erledigen und haben im Forum kaum eine Wirkung, außer eventuell im us Forum.


Hello. Dis is de dschörman forum. So plis wreit in diss länguitsch.

Senk ju end heff e nais daei.


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