Alright every please excuse my bad english but I just feel the need to say those things after watching the info of the release of Dragonblight.
In my eyes we 100% need more Support to the Openworld PvP. Kills need to give special rare random rewards. We need loot crates that get spawned in the openworld that everybody can fight for and the one that loots it, gets the chance on a mount, pvp gear or maybe a pet or maybe just something cosmetic. We need Achievements for this, an achievement if u get like 50 crates or something that gives u a special title. And we need a ranking system for openworld pvp. Something like the old PvP System of Classic. But it should have a feature that kills in raid groups of course give less points for it and the smaller your group is the more points u get. And the more points u get in the week the higher rank gets and the higher ur openworld pvp gear gets that u can buy and the better titles get. Special Mounts or cosmetics for your drake on special ranks would be wonderful too. Please support the PvP Vendors too and give people a way to convert Honor into Conquest points and stop having such a low Conquest Point Cap every week. And Soloqueue is fcking needed too. Maybe even with Rated Epic BGS! Rated 1v1 would be great too just for the fun even tho its unbalanced it would maybe be great. Honorlevels need to be fixed, a lot of people abused them in BFA and now its kinda hard to even get close to lvl 500. Also I would enjoy entire new BGS with a special reputation that we could grind and get rewards like transmog and mounts. Another idea would be dragonriding PvP in the openworld or maybe even as a special bg mode.
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You had me till here… We really don’t need a ranking system in open world pvp… not everything should be ranked…
Solo shuffle will come in a ranked mode…
I really don’t see that point… rated PvP should be about skill and acutall PvP… Don’t really know if that is given when 40 people roll their face all over their keyboard…
Please don’t especially if there is no „rank up your gear“… In that case conquest should only be provided by doing RBGs or Arena
However, i get the points regarding open pvp and would support them. It’s just a bit over the top for me…
With Ranking in Openworld PvP I meant that u get ranks for special amounts of kills each week. And I think you could open the rated epic battlegrounds with maybe a less amount of players? Like for example Alterac Valley with 25 players or something? And back in WOD converting your Honor into Conquest Points worked damn great.
No way you will fill 25 man grp for epic and the second one is Classic system
Gotya - but, in that case we’d need to have pvp servers back…
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