Shadowlands Customizations - we need more

Upcoming Shadowlands Customizations :

So after taking a look at the PTB, I noticed there’s a few races that did not get as much love as other races did in customizations, and infact some races seem to be incomplete, being half done. Now the Human costumizations and the Night elf ones are pretty amazing, not going to lie, although the thick eyebrows are abit of a meme in my opinion, the good feedback aside, I noticed that Void elves finally got high elf eyes and skin as they deserved from the beginning, however I saw that blood elves also got the blue eye option, which…is not really what people were vouching for…? we wanted -high- elves specifically, because high elves are with the alliance, not the horde, but I guess both factions got blue eyes so that nobody cries, which I am O.K with, however I noticed that the void elves did not get the new- and old blood elf hairstyles, but not only that, they also did not get the regular hair colors? uhm…I am not sure how it’s supposed to make sense for a void elf to have normal - unvoid-touched skin, high elf blue eyes but purple tentacle hair. Am I the only one that thinks this is not right? Void elves should get the normal hair colors and the new hairstyles the blood elves obtained, but I’m not done with them yet. Aside other races having a lack of new customization, the new blood elf hairstyles are very…unsatisfying? I mean that tiara hairstyle at the end reminds me of Elsa in Frozen for some reason, and I am generally not really liking it, where are the cool hairstyles like a side-pigtails with ribbons? That - in my opinion matches the aesthetic of a Sin’dorei, since they live in luxury, not a princess tiara, I don’t think they’re trying to look spoiled, I think they try to flaunt their beauty and power. I definitely would want to see the normal hair colors and new/old blood elf hairstyles implemented to the void elves, but I would also like to see more interesting hairstyles like a side-pigtail with a ribbon or something, that’s one idea at least. I think the new races generally need a bit more love, since they’re new and all.

Transmogrification Options :

There have been a lot of restrictions in terms of cosmetics, which is truly a shame, there’s so much more you could do with it yet you put a red line not even close to the finish line on the road of transmogrification… Why are Holiday limited edition items locked only to the specific holiday? That shouldn’t be a thing, let us use the cosmetics we obtained by grinding every day, don’t lock it away from us, it feels like a waste of time if we’re going to be able to only wear the holiday event items (such as the flower crown or the rose on the head) for only during the said event, why does it have to be locked only to the holiday? just let us use it freely as a cosmetic like everything else, it won’t harm anybody, I’m sure it would make everybody happier. That aside, This is a pretty wild suggestion but, would it be hard to allow all classes to be able to use all cosmetics across all classes? For example, a mage being able to transmog plated gear, it’s not like we’re -wearing- plated armor, but as a cosmetic, we wear it, it won’t change anything, it’s just a cosmetic. It may be hard to implement in terms of coding maybe, but I think it would allow the playerbase to become more creative and have no restrictions and limitations in terms of cosmetics and customizing their character’s outfit. I believe it would make a great start for SL, at least if SL is to inevitably fall, we will have a lot of time to spend customizing and enjoying our character’s looks while SL is getting bandaged.

I hope my feedback is helpful, and I hope that void elves get the love they deserve! Thank you for your time! <3

Wrong forum Dude, this is the german one. If you want to write here, you should speak german.

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Nein, es muss einfach gewisse Grenzen geben, sonst ist alles nur noch Einheitsbrei, der nichts mehr aussagt und keine Stimmung mehr transportiert. Es gäbe noch viele Möglichkeiten, den Charaktereditor zu erweitern, aber nicht auf diese Weise. In anderen Spielen kann man beispielsweise Körpergröße, Körperbau und Muskeln anpassen. Orc-Frauen mit längeren Hauern wären auch ok. Aber Priester in Plattenrüstung? Nein, auf keinen Fall.

Um mal kurz darauf einzugehen:
Voidelfen sind neu. Sie bekommen wohl später mit den anderen verbundenen Völkern neue Anpassungen.
Was die Eventkleidung angeht. . Da stimme ich 100%ig zu.
Aber die Kreuzmogoptionen mag ich nicht wirklich.
Meine Druidin in Thoriumplatte?

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